
My reaction to Leo: "Oooohh, he's stoned all the time. That's why he sounds developmentally disabled."

Tonight on The Bachelor: All of the "ladies" throw shade on Courtney and Ben now that they've realized that Courtney and Ben totes got it on during an extracurricular skinny dipping session in Puerto Rico. Also, they take the opportunity to take the moral high road and completely forgive Courtney for all of the bitchy

I see your point - I was thinking of it from a racing standpoint actually, not a TV one. And it was actually a silly assumption on my part now that I think about it from a TV standpoint.

Um, I LOVE that Mike O'Brien has an appearance in this episode. Writer, Second City alum, and "Seven Minutes In Heaven" star, esquire.

Haha - After watching the last few seconds of that sketch a few times, I think it was written that way the whole time. I think the improvised part was where he picked his wedgie, and started laughing - and everyone else broke too. And then he knocked over the pencils or whatever, and there was nooo turning back.

Period humor is lower. At least rape humor is gender-neutral.


Oh come on, like you wouldn't be pumped if one of the greatest jockeys of all time was 5' in front of you.

Exactly. This was amazing because Krazinski and Levi definitely have the same look, and I laughed very hardly at this joke.

Oooo, good connection!

But — there's been so much more racing in the subsequent episodes, that seem to make great lynchpins for the narrative. Maybe that'd be more exciting, seeing races with horses we the audience know some backstory for as the show moves along.

OK, now I've seen the episode:

And I'm loving that Ron the Greek won the SA Handicap this weekend, which is all I could think of when I saw that.

I haven't watched this yet - I live in CA - but I couldn't wait to post that I was at Santa Anita this Saturday for the Handicap. I thought I saw Escalante in the box in front of me - but thought, no, that's just my imagination trying to make TV shows real or something. But then I realized that it WAS John

I didn't know Snooki had her baby already!

Though I don't really care about the NBA, I am a massive sports fan, and I actively wondered "where the hell are the Warriors from?"

Yeah I definitely made my window smaller to avoid all that pink.

@avclub-31a69fca188fc144495391c00ba3fd43:disqus  Me too… Meee too.

I haven't even watched this episode yet, and I'm interrupting my reading to agree that "Better Off Ted" is highly recommended viewing. Best thing to happen because of my short-lived Netflix membership (I really find Hulu+ more valuable for my $8). Stop watching this drivel and go watch that better show instead!

But if you think about Alcatraz and even Fringe - both JJ Abrams shows, which this is not - they both still are heavy on the "mythology". Fringe started out as a "freak of the week" show and has blossomed into this amazing universe(s), even with a new case in almost every episode. Alcatraz is also moving from its