
I've owned my television for a year and a half, and this review is the first thing that has prompted me to adjust my screen settings so that I could re-watch this episode and let the full color effect take over. Amazing. Even more stunning than before (for which, see previous comment).

Nielson ratings almost never measure me, too, and the vast majority of my friends are intelligent people of good taste. But almost none of them (outside my comedy crew) bring up TV since LOST ended - and I had a striking number of people bring this show up to me, without my prompting… So… I'm hoping that means other

Me too - they have similar bone structure. And douchetasity.

OMG genius - I didn't even realize I recognized him until the end of the show. I knew Yvonne from nurse Jackie, but he was going to be hard to place. Good call!

At least Grant had the decency to show up for it.

Isn't that just like, a development deal? I'm sure he's trying to get his own gig, but a paycheck and a fun acting big is a paycheck and a fun acting bit.

Leslie: "I don't think it gets better than Biden."

I just watched this tonight and oh my gosh, it was one of this series' best episodes. I was bawling (I mean, it's dusty…) from minute 25 on.


Between his horses and his Mandy Patinkin-signed cubs, Max has the start of a sort of Noah's Ark for stuffed animals.

Biiiiitch it's 5:40!

I always go T-1 with Parks because this one has all of the hilarity you could ever ask for, and Parks has the heart.

I was also bothered throughout the season by the show becoming "Top Caterer," but I didn't mind the volume in this final challenge. As others have mentioned, it really solidified the restaurant feel and seemed to be a fairly realistic real-life chef situation. The "meal of your life" challenges are awesome, but how

The pilot was stunning. I am willing to forgive a period of "procedural" while the show tries to find a base - as long as it doesn't lose the emotional traction that it had in the first episode.

Also: Fringe. Which started off awesome, then got purely "freak of the week" for awhile, and then became awesome again.

I actually don't know if that's true. I don't think I would have appreciated Colin Hanks and his absolute ridiculousness as much. It was worth the payoff in the end.

"Our cat died???" was my favorite line among many fantastic lines in this episode.

I thought this was an alright episode - I laughed a bunch, but it didn't sing the way that Happy Endings did tonight. Not that anything ever does as well as Happy Endings.

I KNOW! I was like, uhhhh, no one's trying to find Marco? MARCO! One of the most inspired chefs of our time? No? But you're trying to find out which dumplings were borne of (like @cokebabies said) the she-beast?

Nonono, the phone has been long-since forthcoming. Remember when Sue and Brick were suddenly bequeathed a bunch of stuff from the great-aunts? And one of those goodies was the cell phone that they ran up the texting charges for? And Brick let the cat out of the bag that Sue was going to get her mom's phone for her