
I can get behind that. Although Stephanie Izard is also the nicest woman - I was at her finale's viewing party (which makes me sound like a douche, anyone could go - it was at Cans in Wicker Park in Chicago when I lived there) and when she showed up she was so humble (and awesomely drunk) there was no way not to love

Next season, on America's Top Caterer!

Me too - I was afraid he was going to, as someone awesome on this site once put it, "Blais out"

Best poll ever. Ever.


This episode of television singlehandedly made that entire AWFUL season of Dexter 100% WORTH IT.

Did anyone purposely wear blue and yellow today? Because… I did.

One of my friends got married on 06/07/08. And then she tried for an 11/11/11 baby this year, but the kid was a week late. I got a weird sense of satisfaction from that, because the people who tried for 11/11/11 babies still weird me out.

This was the most fun I've had watching this show since the pilot. I think they finally struck the right balance showing the musical-tone-cheesiness within the television medium.

I'm so glad this bounced right back from last week's flop. (Or maybe I can only enjoy season 3 Cougar Town when the Red Wings manage to win that Tuesday; time will tell. This whole thing ties into the theme: Red Wings —> Dr. Cox —> Scrubs —> Cougar Town. Good thing we usually win, I think we're in for a great season!)

Me too!! I kept thinking "where's the 'That'?"

Patrice + Jerry 4eva

No, every architect I know is also basically a master craftsman/woman. And I'm being entirely unironic.

Tonight on "The Bachelor": Bland Bachelor Ben/Poor Man's Dax Shepherd gets the opportunity to offer all three of the girls left in his harem a "romantic" evening in the dubiously labeled "fantasy" suite, while their red-state parents watch in horror at home as their daughters go for what is essentially a one-night

I didn't watch this - I somehow caught the end of Blair Underwood's episode of Who Do You Think You Are and the first 10 minutes or so of this while I was doing something on the computer.  I wasn't really paying attention. HOWEVER, I did notice that here was NBC, showing Blair Underwood movingly trace his roots back

I said "A top answer" not THE top answer!! I'm not sure what universe would have Leslie Knope as THE top answer, but I for one would love to live in it.

He did a mini-dance at the beginning of the episode!

I'm inconsolable after that one. I blame Todd's trash-talk.

Jason Sudekis + Bull Durham talk might be too many favorite things happening in one interview.. Such a crush on the man, such a crush.

OMG, it's verbatim. That makes it funnier.