
That's why Jimmy Wolk and Tyra Banks together in Lonestar was so weirdly wonderful!

I am like, genuinely concerned for the character in this regard.

I've been saying that too! And, really… Good for him.

Yes, that is what happened to Barbaro, who won the Kentucky Derby and was injured in the Preakness. He was a great horse with one of the greatest horsemen ever as his trainer, and amazing owners. After his injury, he was taken to the University of Pennsylvania), where the doctors used every single piece of modern

This isn't abuse. These are accidents. The AHA was on the set for the entire run of making this show, from pre-production to post, and they themselves said that they witnessed no abuses. Accidents happen, even tragic ones.

Ok, ok - in New York their living quarters are poor and they do not have designated routes and I completely understand what you're saying. This show is set in Chicago, which your site actually credits for having designated routes, hours, and seasons for the carriage drivers. 
This show is shot in Los Angeles, on a lot,

Excited enough to post on a month-old article.

It's the only store close to me, so it's a matter of convenience. You learn to get good at it - they have sales and coupons too! Also, I've found produce to be cheaper in CA than other places I've lived, so that helps. Not to mention, I'm a pretty good and creative cook so it's easy to be innovative with cheaper

Properly shod and cared for, it's fine!

How can we watch it?? I wish it was as easy as going to their site, but that doesn't seem like it's the case :(

The second Ed walked into Whole Foods and was like "hmm, I'm looking for oysters," I knew he was screwed. No way does that Texas Whole Foods reliably have oysters. I live in San Francisco, and the Whole Foods here, on the ocean (that I'm in like, every other damn day because it's convenient) never reliably has

They're really tinny tasting, even more so than other canned foods because the flavors were so delicate to begin with. And because they're smoked you end up missing a bunch of the delicious brine that it came with naturally.

God, did I ever love this.

And when he pulls his chin in while looking down on miget-esque Egg, he looks like a bird.

Right! Leave the hipster bullshit for personal computing, and get a laptop from the campaign!

hahaha! YES!

Do we know for sure they all re-emerge at Alcatraz? Or is it only some of them?

I concur. They definitely scouted those locations beforehand, and maybe even pre-negotiated stove space and pot/pan use. My sister is a PA for a TV show in LA, but we always joke about how ridiculous the PA work for Top Chef must be. If the contestants were running around like crazy, imagine how much more legwork the

@OhthePossibilities:disqus And I'm moving to Boston. I just realized that if the Pats win, I may never recover because I'm going to be hearing about it from those Massholes FA-EVAH.

I watched this tonight and I have to say I've haven't felt Second City so much since leaving training/Chicago for my "real" job. This was the funniest sketch show ive seen on tv. I love SNL, but this structure is much more conducive to having a rapport with the audience, the way the vaguely introduce the segments.