
Whyyyyyy did you bring that up! Just when I was moving on with life.

@vicksisamonster:twitter  I wish you had simply cited the AHA review instead of being so completely rude about this. You are partly correct and partly very wrong. The leg break and euthanization shown in the pilot were NOT real, which you claimed they were. They were simulated. Citing the AHA review, "any injuries,

I just fast-forwarded through it again to watch the credits, and the AHA card is on there!!

You guys all took my sincere statement and made it amazingly hilarious!

Woohoo for Second City!!

It is preposterous because all you had to do to answer your question was watch the end credits. Or fast-forward to the AHA card to see that it was there if you couldn't stomach the very poignant handling of what losing a horse is like.

Me too. I laughed out loud, really loudly… And immediately felt bad.

This can be explained away by the previous demonstrations showing that not every power manifests in the exact same way in every person, like the teleporting power. Some are just better with some powers. So this means the previous power-holder could have been just fine with it. But I like your thought, you're totally

Maybe it's like copies that get fuzzier as you make more copies of the copies. Like a multiplicity situation.

Haha, me too. I was yelling "cat! CAT!" and I am very glad they realized it!


The contestants do that in each episode!

Last week was kind of fantastic. There's a really huge bitch in the mix. Like probably the most unabashedly bitchy character I've ever seen on the Bachelor in all 109 seasons it's had. Like, last week ended with this actual exchange:

I didn't re-watch this last night, so I'm going off of memories from December, but weren't they a little hazy about what liens might be out against them? I got the feeling they were trying to figure out a way to avoid having that money also taken out of their earnings.

What a preposterous thing to ask. This has obviously been Humane Society certified. And as someone heavily involved with horses, I think it was a very well done sequence depicting the kind of tragedy that can happen, and how heavily it weighs on everyone.

Is no one else concerned about the plane? Or did I just live on the lake near the approach for O'hare for too long? ( though I guess this would be Midway…)

That's probably something to be proud of, since it seems to mean that they don't watch Whitney.

Me too! I was laughing out loud all the way through, thinking how excited I was that the show was back in form.

He's a Cy Young winner for the SF Giants!

@avclub-1a1d7f3030811437e2c0133bde1e7c44:disqus I'm indifferent on Ed. I mostly enjoy him as a part of the show, but his food isn't all that memorable to me.