
Yeah, if I get stung I get a very weird and painful rash (beyond the sting site). This was especially fun this one time when I bounced a basketball on an underground yellow jackets nest.

I'm going to be really pissed if breakdown Beverly takes this whole thing. However, not as pissed as I will be if sad-face Lindsay or Sarah wins. Basically, I need Grayson or Paul to win this.

I don't know guys, I hate procedurals, but I kind of like this… But it could be due to any or all of the following:

Plus, it scores well in the "pets whose owners have died" demol


He's actually kind of killing it as the best boyfriend EVER in Parenthood at the moment.

But it's a power, not a state of being. The power is the ability to switch entirely biologically between male and female. The pregnancy was made possible by this power, but not a result of the power.

It's the best show on television when there's nothing else on. It's totally watchable, low-stakes, fun with food. But, given the choice between a new Chopped and a rerun of Top Chef? I choose the rerun of Top Chef.

Except from my understanding, the hardened veteran is actually quite well known in Broadway circles. Not sure how much it helps for TV, though.

I was just wondering the same thing!

The thing about this was that I kept laughing out loud at times I'm also certain were not meant for laughter. And I'm not sure if that made it enjoyable viewing.

Tosh's TV comedy has been getting better. I used to find him unnecessarily abrasive, but I think he got the memo and has softened.

And had at least a bottle of well-aged wine and nofoodinthem.

Oh, the benefits of being a girl. Seeing as there was no must-pick-by age regarding professional sports, I was allowed to come to them naturally rather than be saddled from the beginning.

Haha! So true, they need to update that to something like "The Alex: The entire left side of this menu."

As a hockey fan who is a girl and also generally a huge fan of Penny, her saying "costume" made me like her a little bit less. Not tons less, just a smidgen.

As all the reviewers have said many times, the shows aren't graded against each other. They're graded against themselves.

He's awesome and Happy Endings is way better than this drivel.

I thought that dude was brunette. This was a ginger dude with ginger cat, right?

I love this show, and I love Ryan Hansen, and I love Ryan Hansen on this show (instead of the crappy knockoff he was in last year).