
I second that. I have a full on crush on him. One thing about him is that when he was first introduced, he seemed kind of old, and now that he's not just the power-broker he seems like he's gotten younger. Regardless, bravo, Kelly.

I kept crying during Haddie's story because all I can think of is the "How to pay for Penn" book that came with my "Congratulations, you've been accepted to the University of Pennsylvania Class of 2006!" letter. As discussed previously, Ivies do a great job with funding for middle and lower class students, but those

Well, he pointedly said that the financial aid would be based on the previous Year's income at his old, better job. I went to an Ivy and it was pretty clear from many of my friends' experiences that the aid is great for middle class people, but awful for upper middle class kids. I found their portrayal accurate. Now,

Ah, yes. You are correct sir. Things I need to straighten out before Super Bowl in Vegas.

No, it's okay as long as you forgive the show and don't let it sour you for the rest of the show. Why would you deny @avclub-7b35a1122309e7451c5060ae86700961:disqus  any time in Dillon?

That's my #2! Because then they can go right from that into "the Nightman Cometh." I usually recommend they start with "Dennis and Dee go on Welfare," though, because it really showcases the group's dynamic. And "because you are crackheads, children" is my favorite line of the whole show.

Last I saw the Niners were at -3… So not underdogs at all.

Is this the episode of Fringe that got bumped because of the World Series delay? So it was supposed to be the mid-season finale, but is instead the January premiere?

Related to @avclub-e57f718840a576abbb40a7d046c4e3b0:disqus 's post, but un-related to the actual story, there was also talk of remaking American Psycho. About which I agree that no one can top Christian Bale's portrayal of the character of Patrick Bateman.

Just think of Whitney and Chels as compromise. I actually don't mind the fact that they exist because they help pay for the shows that I do love, and no longer interfere with my Thursday night lineup.

Dumpster Baby remains the funniest baby ever. Juuust to get a base…

Why does Charlie like soy steak? Charlie likes milk steak, boiled over hard (with a side of your finest jelly beans, raw). Are you talking about some lactose-free version?

For a show not actually shot in Chicago, I think it does nice justice to Chicago-y things. And I cheer a little when the Bears logo flashes during the opening.

Remember that "last week" is actually "at the very most twelve hours ago" and that it's just edited to make it look as petty as you thought it was.

Why the hell did they decide to stagger the service nights? Could they really not find a venue that could accommodate two small restaurants in all of Austin? I'd be interested to know if that was the plan all along or if it was some last-minute production scramble to save the shooting schedule.

I forget what it was, but there was something else besides the Austin Motel sign in that frame that I thought really added to the phallic theme.

"Bitch baton" is an amazing phrase. Sarah's ruining Spiaggia for me. That bitch gets to cook for Obama????

Ohhh please let there be a "how we met" ep forthcoming!

Isnt Lucy the "miracle baby" cousin that Brick hates??

Will, any and all encounters with daughters' potential suitors must be played exactly like Coach Taylor and #7.