
Wow, yes. Fun irony that I missed it in my editing rage.

After posting how much I want this to be the Red Wings next year, your posting made me think how much of a double-edged sword it can be if you're the losing team. Kind of like how I might not have watched "Game of Honor" on Showtime if Army had won (ha).

As a Red Wings fan, all I could think while watching this last night was "please let this be us next year, please let this be us next year, please let this be us next year." To have that kind of uncensored (well, less censored) view of a team you follow so closely would be such an amazing thing to watch. If this

I agree. I especially agree as a die-hard Red Wings fan living in San Francisco who deals with this rivalry every day.

Now I'm craving mushroom deep dish for dinner. Haven't lived in Chicago for a year and a half… anddd… boom.

OMG, I just got the full joke. Thank you.

Aw, streets behind.

^^This. Yes. I love them both equally but in different ways. P&R is more emotionally endearing, but the HE crew is who I most look forward to checking in on every week.

Everything he knows he learned from a book with Fabio on the cover. (And I don't mean the former Top Chef contestant).

I love that he takes the whole thing with a huge grain of salt (or salty Dr Pepper sauce).

Wisconsin… Tube meat… Something

I LOVED that euphemism. Hilarious.

Friendly typo police:

Fun fact: The full set of "Modernist Cuisine" retails for $625. No fucking wonder that was a big prize and they were treating the books like they had just seen a unicorn.

Yeah, my military family only ever uses "o-dark-hundred."

@avclub-954aef1dd01f3d3bb8e12966116cfdd1:disqus Maybe, except they were so upset that Grandma wasn't around the next day - the day they had on the calendar for the visit… So that suggests to me that they'd planned to stay in the motel. I vote for  @avclub-6a1cf9ff786388fe8796c57ec63d1075:disqus 's answer!

I second that agreement. I always watch the Middle. I almost never watch Modern Family anymore.

It was probably all of us tuning in to see just how awful it was.

Google Maps told me 4:56… but I now realize that I didn't adjust the time at all, so of course there's no traffic factor at 11pm. Traffic's the key. It once took me 3 hours to get from San Francisco to Mountain View. BUT it still seemed weird to me that they'd break the trip. And who did Zeke expect to watch the chair

Take the 5!