
And bitchy teenagers.

I'm pretty sure he created it.  And I'm 100% sure that Mac/Glen-Dennis/Charlie produced it.  And it's baffling.  And it's REALLY weird to watch right after you've watched an episode of Sunny (namely this one).

I haven't lived there in a year so maybe things have gone downhill, but Chicago's like an awkwardly clean city, so I have always forgiven this show that aesthetic.

JORMA!!! I literally scream this whenever I see him on my TV. This felt like one of those episodes where comedy actor friends get to hang out and I LOVEEED it. But, I'm a comedy nerd and I guess probably the rest of America is not so much.

It looked like Vincent <3

Post wedding chop

I can only think of one other blood gusher in the entire run of the show.

Totally agree with you.  Dramatic pilots are easy, but sitcom pilots are tough tough tough because the actors haven't built the chemistry and rapport that make for great comedy.  Everyone needs some time to find what jives in the group.

I miss Better Off Ted

He's clearly 40s, she's pretty clearly early 30s.  Original commenter is also 30s.

I really liked it! I thought it had almost none of the standard Pilot awkwardness that comes from the actors not having enough time to build comedic chemistry.  I also thought it was pretty funny - I laughed out loud multiple times.

This was truly a fan's episode and I LOVED it.  All of the callbacks - internet dating, things from under the bridge, Donovan McNabb/Tiger Woods, crack addiction, Charlie's Texan character, eggs, and all the rest.  I love when shows reward their fans like this!

Oh good!

True - I just hate extreme figures like him, vampire or not, so I hope for him to be hating himself going into the next season. They've taken such care to show Jessica's "baby vamp" transformation, they shouldn't short us on Newlin's psychological process.

I don't think enough attention was given to the series in this review.  Yeah, it's a silly series and yeah, it doesn't always make sense, and, yeah, it all gets downright preposterous from time to time.  But that doesn't mean that what carried the series - the core characters - didn't reserve a proper sendoff.  Also,

but would you just use scott foley as a halloween ghost?

Yes, exactly my thoughts/hope - the season kinda waned but next season has the setup to be awesome

My initial reaction at the end of the episode was "y'all wasted an entire season of blah to get to this!?" I wish they had cut this season out and just gotten to what seems to be in store next season.

I watched this immediately after watching a 9/11 special on Friday.  The special highlighted the beeping noise that firefighters' oxygen tanks make when they've run out.  That exact noise was all throughout the first few scenes of this episode of Rescue Me, and I found it an eerie and likely deliberate connection.