
I don't think that Freddie and Bel and Hector are really in a "love triangle" per se.  I think it's more of a Freddie loves Bel, Bel loves Freddie ONLY in the friend zone, and Bel is becoming (reciprocated-ly) infatuated with Hector.  For it to qualify as a love triangle in my book requires the person in the middle

Oh yeah, Newlin! Remember, hes been missing for 6months according to local Bon Temps news outlets.

I got the sense that he knew he would be killed anyway, so he wanted to die on his own terms.  Also, I get the sense that the government is "taking care of" all of these murder investigations, but Freddie could find himself in trouble if he keeps pushing it.

Okay.  I love this show.  I love it.  I LOVE it.  I agree with Todd, especially about some of the moments being a little too obvious (I laughed when they bolted out of the cafeteria), but the style, acting, intrigue, and all out FUN of it all has me hooked. This is exciting. 

Me too! I love him!! He's scrappy, and smart, if not street smart.

I haven't finished the episode yet, but I couldn't wait to say, "everything's ready for the quail hunt!!"

But they've only been dead this season, honest.

Ah, subtle.

No mention of the man-in-a-fedora from last week who happens to be the translator sent from the world service, who also happens to be in Ruthie's holiday film…?

@Lloyd, I didn't seem him as getting excited. Before the interview, he was excited by her looks. After the interview, he was excited that she had thrown him off-kilter.

…I figured that asking about what other addictions he harbors, how he feels about his father, and all of the other questions that she posed absolutely work with the word poignant. They were distressing to his feelings and they had a strong effect on his emotions. That is why he dodged the questions. I'm not about

I was definitely thinking "oof, when spray tans attack."

What am I going to do? I'd love to buy the Indians, but seeing as San Francisco rent is kind of high I think it's going to have to wait awhile. Did I say I was proud of the organization? No. God, no. Being proud of your players who are making it work is vastly different than saying you have the best-managed team in

I agree with you entirely - thanks for bringing them up. I'm totally sick of Boston fans whining in general. I was all for them in 2004 (how could you not be), but since then Boston fans in general have become like spoiled children.

Go Triiiiibe
Was Claire not able to join us last night because she was at a real, live White Sox baseball game against the Indians??? Because that was a pretty sweet game!

inevitable mad men comparison
I was extremely pleasantly surprised by this show - I had a vague knowledge of it, but it was just a blip on my radar until my good old Mom texted me to remind me it was on.

@NYCFlo, thanks for the tip! My Comcast doesn't carry BBC America in HD, and it's such a shame. I'll check to see if this is in HD on my on-demand!

Ari and Dana
Am I totally crazy? I thought that Ari picking up the phone with Dana was a nice moment because it showed how compatible they are… One of his surprisingly not-douchey moments in life.

Who do you think you are?
It was a throwaway line, but when Kelly said "who do you think you are, George Clooney?" I laughed out loud. META!

I haven't watched the episode yet, but I think it is more logical to have them all take the physical for Lou rather than have one of them stand in. If just one guy stood in, you'd have all of the results be identical to that guy's actual physical. If you have different guys stand in, it's more likely to fool