
Pitching, Panda, and NATE SCHIERHOLTZ.

The rule is that all were-animals are shifters, but not all shifters are were-animals.

Haunted Doll
I just had a thought! Maybe that haunted doll is possessed by Rene's evil soul. Rene who used to be close friends with Hoyt and would probably love to torment him living in what he would probably consider double-sin with his vampire girlfriend. Rene who would probably love to torture the sh*t out of poor

@Claire - torture lies in the fans' perceptions. I will say I've been the victim of many a White Sox walk-off, so good for y'alls paying off on "torture" wins.

I got behind the dugout seats for A's-Indians for $35. It was amazing.

I haven't read the rest of the comments yet, but as a massive baseball fan (Indians, mind you - White Sox be damned (or share the friendly respect I have for all AL central teams now that I live in the great yonder)) living in San Francisco for the past year, it's interesting for me to see this unfold in

I have to say I am new to the show, which I think means I am mostly a season 5+ girl. I totally see how it can feel like a the Sopranos, and I see it is heavily flawed, but I kind of like every time they do a Tommy Gavin dream/crazy sequence. Unlike other shows, the imagined element actually gets "real-er" for

No, and I was thinking about this, but I wish that the TB reviews would be more like TVDW's Glee reviews. Todd takes the time to actually dissect why things don't work on Glee - which, let's be honest, is a great many things. I feel that taking the time to carefully think about what is and what is not working while

I'm not sure I understand all of the backlash against the show this season. True Blood has never pretended or claimed to be anything beyond pulpy popcorn fun. We know Ball is capable of incredible drama (Six Feet Under, American Beauty), but True Blood is just in good fun. Like, I know how to cook delicious

Ziggy gets to work at HBO AND hang out with David Chang.

So we all agree it was a wire-esque episode. And that it worked. So it's safe to say that Simon's at his best when he's on whatever plane produced both the Wire and the second half of this season… And I'm happy about that.

Ugh, I hate book-Sookie. She's whiny and self-congratulatory.

Well, I mean, at least they HAVE token black guy(s? That picture is awful.) The Bachelor/ette still has yet to break the race barrier.

And tomorrow is the day I cancel my Showtime subscription. Not worth it anymore.

Top Chef Canada
Is there any way to watch Top Chef Canada here in the states?? I'm curious!

@Ras - Ahhhh! I remember now because you're totally and COMPLETELY right. WTF were they thinking? Fur kicks feathers' ass any day of the week.

Am I totally crazy, or was it duck? You mention Traci's overcooked "rabbit," but I only remember Gael criticizing chewy Peking duck…

@Big Time - Now that makes me think of Dee in 'Always Sunny' drunkenly rockin' out to the cassette tape she got for $5 at the Italian Market.

Bear outfits
I need to think about the episode more tomorrow - although it is classically 'penultimate' in that it's all just setting us up for next week - but I just want to point out that Kate's penchant for bear-themed clothing really outdid itself this week with the addition of the polar bear sweater.

I mean, I LOVE the Soup, but that's Joel and co's job. Are the highlight big plot moments "Drink, Fight, Fuck"? Sure. But around the edges they usually choose to focus on one person's specific issues and watch how they change throughout the season. Am I saying it's the most profound character study ever? No. But