
Character vs. Plot
While I agree that most reality shows these days focus on the plot, not the characters, I think that "Real World" has maintained the focus on character development. It seems to me that the editors pick a character to form the story around - each season is really, truly one roommate's story, and

Relax, watch the movie, trust Coach and his outfits

Random comments

I LOVE Inbetweeners. That is all.

Hey! They won 6 whole games in the 2010 season! 6! Which included a victory over the superbowl winning Packers AND the Vikings!

From the future…
I just watched the complete run of BOT on Netflix streaming, and all of the speculation about its early cancellation here - on the recap of the pilot - is pretty heartbreaking. But hey, at least we got 26 episodes out of it instead of only 13!

@Colby - A weakness???? I think that this show's all around positivity is part of what makes it so great. Comedy in general has an over-reliance on schadenfreude, and part of what makes Parks & Rec shine is that it manages to be funny while still loving all of the characters.

It'll be Jim… Eventually
Watching last night, I decided firmly that this is Jim's series. It portends to be about the group, but he's had the fullest character arc throughout the story. We've seen him go from a hapless prankster with a puppy crush to a loving husband and father who is a figurehead in the office.

In his GrubStreet recap of the show, Michael Connelly (the boy blogger) said that the fast food episode was his last, so hopefully they are completely finished and will keep the better judges on. I do, however, feel bad for Gail Simmons whenever she is referred to as the host of "Top Chef, Just Desserts." Poor

@Myles: I figured you and TVDW just went tradesies on horrifyingly creepy screen caps for the week, since he credited that Finn screen grab on the Glee "Funeral" recap to you.

I'm pretty sure they kind of love her in England, and I've never understood why. My mom has an obsession with listening to BBC1 and I distinctly remember listening to this chick when I was visiting over Christmas and commenting on how lukewarm her vocals were…

A Gaga Neutral's Take
The concert struck me as one part "LOVE YOURSELF!" PSA, one part burlesque, and one part Broadway musical moved to Vegas… and I liked it. I'm not a Gaga "fan," but I liked that the special let you get a little bit up close and personal with her. It had the great effect of showing the woman

Leslie Knope
"Golden-haired female enjoys waffles and news."

I saw the "entees" disgrace this morning, but they have since fixed it. I kind of liked it, it was so pathetic looking.

Yeah, I was wondering what the actual run time was because I noticed how long the commercials were taking to FF through on the DVR. They did an abnormally good job with DVR busters too, the bastards.

He's so amazing at trees that he finished the whole project by six thirty o'clock.

Not much to say, really
I feel oddly at a loss for words about this week's episode - there's just not that much to say about it. This of course mostly stem's from the point that Todd made, that this is a tee-up episode and sets up the rest of the season. It feels really weird to have nothing to say about an episode,

Somehow every set of comments on AV Club manages to boil down to a discussion of midwest vs. coastal sensibilities. Even, inexplicably, this one. And, Fops, I notice that "needs cleaned" shit WAY more on the west coast than I ever did in the midwest or east coast.

Ummm, your comment is dated April 25. The review (and premiere date) of this movie is dated April 23. Your (incredulous) comment references the day prior to your comment; April 24. The review says nothing about air times of the movie after the premiere.

*love, not "lode"