
I don't know… I'm a food dork and would loce to think that i'd choose Chris', buf I've been holding a vegetarian experiment with myself over lent and All I want in life is a Swanson burger. OMG. Meat.

I will defend that dress to the end. I'm not sure if I love it $260 worth (which is what I found it retailing for), but I'm close.

@TommyWommy - Shut your mouth. The Bear DRESS is awesome. The Bear OVERALLS are stupid.

Yeah, I paused on the letter - there's nothing earth shattering in there. It's all mumbo jumbo about how she's an old soul and not like others, etc. Typical pedo teacher quasi-poetic ramblings.

Hasn't it been said that if there was a season 2, it would be an entirely new mystery to solve?

@BB's Mom - So much funeral anger. Calm down.

I'll re-read fall comments tomorrow…
… But I am so happy to have this show back in my life.

@I live in SF - Hahaha, from my short time here it's more that the rent is so expensive that it's harder to afford food.

"Now not only have you brought THIS, but you have deprived us all of cake!!"

I've lived in Philadelphia, Michigan, Chicago, Boston, DC, and San Francisco.

This is an A
I know it's silly to quibble over the letter grades, but I think this is one of, if not THE best episode of Parks and Rec yet. I watched it last night, laughed and cried - and I watched it this morning, and laughed and cried again. It's hilarious and touching all in one, and pays great homage to ALL of

Ready, world?
Just throwing it out there -

Heels and plushy theater carpet are a sucky combination.

Correction: Cappie's evil and wayward twin. The real Cappie has a heart of gold buried under all his assclownery.

I agree with you about Cal, but on the open admissions point - huh? What are you talking about? Early Decision/Early Action, submit your applications in early November and find out in mid-December. Regular admissions, submit your applications around the end of December, and find out in early April. This is standard

It's possimpible that marvible is a word.

AND Christina Hendricks!!

Plus the networks have to carry other events that mess up their schedules - for example, a little thing called March Madness.

Though I'm a pretty big chef nerd and a fan of exploring restaurants, this show interests me because it reminds me of one of my marketing classes at Wharton. I am still unclear whether or not NBC wants us to view this as a food show, but it's really coming across as a marketing workshop. Considering this show to be

Terminal D, Miami International!
I'm having a hard time dredging up any information about Lorena's credentials as a chef or business person. All I can see is that she currently owns one "restaurant" - an outpost in Terminal D of the Miami airport…