
She started out the season kind of on the heavier side - I'm impressed. Sister's done work in the gym and it's paying off.

I'm in!!
I, for one, am into it. I know I'm a huge chef nerd, but I actually recognize most of these chefs and it's totally interesting to see what they can do. ALSO, the thing I love about Masters is that these are executive chefs who tend not to cook as often as those on the regular Top Chef do and it takes a

Cougar Town is the superior show in the universe in which you actually WATCH IT.

Probably not, but now that you mention it - it does appear to be a precursor to Amber being in a car wreck if the scenes from next week are to be believed…

PS - Nice Mosby tie-in, Todd. Nice.

Haddie's "Experience" (and other stuff)
Todd, I had the same initial "oh no, something bad happened!" reaction when Haddie got home and we saw her expression and totally-not-into-it description of the night's events… BUT when we saw her in her room, putting her shoes and corsage on the dresser, she smiled what seemed

I had the same exact thought process! Glad I'm not the only one who temporarily forgot that Forte wasn't on the show any more… I also really enjoyed the line "And they're not 'bear hands,' people generally call them 'paws'" (or whatever. Yeah, I liked it that much.)

WOW. Their* (I wish I could say I was wasted, too - but no.)

@arslock - You DO of course realize that Andy Cohen is the President of Development and Original Programming for Bravo, right? And that without him we wouldn't even have Top Chef, right? So it's probably not advisable to hate on him… right?

LOVED Sneaky Spike. He's always been a favorite of mine and I thought his support of Richard both in the way he was listening to the judges' reactions and in the way he communicated them was instrumental in Blais' win.

But… But… He's sexy. Granted I have a notorious blind spot for blonde Australians, but if you stop thinking of him as a "chef" and start thinking of him as a man-Padma (adept enough in the kitchen and gorgeous), it works. So back off.

Yeah, he SAID he was making currywurst. That requires ketchup. And stop your anti-ketchup bigotry. Three years in Chicago and I was the weird one for loving ketchup on a hot dog. I promise you it's normal everywhere else.

The "Friday" video did a better job

This show reminds me of a B-school class I once had. I think I might like it, maybe, but I DEFINITELY don't have the same "oooh, ahh, that's so cool!" that I do with something like Top Chef. It's all business and marketing.

And remind me to never post from an iPhone again - sorry for the above typos.

Barb was the prophet Bill saw
I think that Bill's testimony for the prophet was actually saying that Barb was the one true prophet of this church. Her entry into church right when he was saying they would be waiting for a true prophet, his testimony from th "ancestors" ending ith a woman smiling and nodding; and him

Hear hear!! High V!

Right, they knew Nicki was going to the compound. Also, having dated 2 different guys with families of 8-10 kids in them, it becomes pretty clear that once the older kids are a little more grown up, they take care of the youngers and the parents can have some time to themselves. And ALSO, it looked like night time.

Ron's move on the couch reminded me of when the zombies in the Walking Dead come to undead-life when someone walks by.

I can't believe I'm about to actually make this comment, but I am, so that's that.