Mr. Pancake

I never realized you could do that to someone; it seems very open to abuse.


And then Archer explained it for us.

What if Todd Haynes directs?

Kaori was Tetsuo's girlfriend; Kei was Kaneda's love interest.

Brain, athlete, basket case, princess, criminal, Professor Plum.

That's MISTER Hedlund to you, punk!

I expected some hot Foo Fighter-on-Foo Fighter action.

No, she's not going to give it up for a shoe you made out of a dog.

It was a great movie. It is the best movie, fuck you.

I thought steampunk was for faggots?

Your game is not funny, Katz.

The post is not perfect, Whovian, and let me save you the suspense: this thread's not perfect either. But the question is whether they're perfect for each other.

Or the secret to the secret success?

I assume he sleeps by watching "The New Guy," "National Security," and "The Sweetest Thing".

I believe Crispin Glover has already been booked to direct.

If an infinite number of /b/tards on an infinite number of computers were typing for an infinite number of years, they would eventually all be permabanned for posting child porn.

The only flaw in this hypothetical is the presumption that Harlan Ellison could reach high enough to slap Eric JA in the face.
He's going to set me on fire now, isn't he?

I receive a 5% per level bonus to my ding-dong skill.

We all know about the edit function, and we all know who the real ding dong is.