Mr. Pancake

From the inevitable gender swap episode. The series will make or break on whether they can create a sexy femWolverine.

I don't see why it would.

If the power of Sharkira proves too much to control, we must destroy it. It is a soldier's duty.

The cops have failed us. Send in the high school students who just watched Boondock Saints.

Gus and Tuco got along very well. They were tight TIGHT TIGHT!

In Rage co-op, the second character constantly insists that you only killed mutants because they were going to kill you and reassures Player 1 that they are doing the right thing.

But is FWWM worse than James Hurley's adventures outside Twin Peaks or Nadine's high school experience? I say no, but I'm willing to hear arguments to the contrary.

My thought was that Gus was not so much working for the cartel as he was allied with it. He bought their meth and distributed it in bulk north of the border, but he didn't answer to the cartel bosses.

You'll have to forgive ElDan. Horatio Caine knock offs make him feel

The Danish police investigating on behalf of the French police? Isn't that a little bit like Andrew Jackson going bowling with the Cherokee?

So… what did the Koch brothers do to create their wealth?

That would be like Adolf Hitler playing golf with Zsa Zsa Gabor.

The 1% does not know about the AVClub.

Both! It's the only way to be sure that both of them are shot!

I don't whether to be amused or enraged.

Well, send us some sexy photos, and we'll see.

I don't think you know what "pretentious" means, and you won't learn what it means just by repeating it.

My favorite comedian is dead, and if you don't think sitcoms can be deconstructed or that what RM is saying makes sense, then you really are stupid.

Isn't it so unfair then that you're pretentious and stupid without being likeable or funny?