

I don't think she's dead. It's another stupid mind game.

Yeah, I agree that most people don't really have some sort of distinct accent, especially if they've been in a big city for a while. I cut her some slack though. She's German, right?

Yes, that's a better way of explaining it - the I'm not like you statement it makes.

I really loved this episode. It didn't feel like the episode was a mess, but maybe I'm just more forgiving since the Marco/Sonya storyline is really the only one that engages me. They both did a great job of acting. Bechir's performance was Oscar-worthy, if this had been a movie. I was crying the entire last 20

I don't think Marco was thinking like a cop at the time, but thinking like a guy who was pissed that Tate was trying to get him to do Tate's dirty work. It was more a gesture of "here, you do it." He wasn't really in his right mind when he did it.

She's never had a Texas accent in the show, at least not one that was truly Texan, especially compared to her colleagues.

I knew Gus wasn't Alma's kid, but I thought Marco and Alma had the two girls together after the Tate affair. I guess they didn't make it all that clear either way though.

Ha! That would have been good considering she took off with the truck later.

I don't know, but it would be pretty fun to try!

Nope. Never seen him actually smoking.

Well, Carrie is coming out this fall. Let's just hope they pull the plug on the plans to do the Dark Tower series. That would be King blasphemy to screw it up Dome-style.

I would say that "Because I was loaded, okaaaaaay!" from that Flash Forward show is a close second if the politician line is now first. God, I still love that line because it's sooooo bad.

Licorice jellybean! Ha! We should all join together and send CBS thousands of licorice jellybeans. That is awesome. For Dodee!!!!!

Ooh! You're right!

There's no way a large group of people would stand around and gawk at a hanging in this day and age, especially with no type of formal investigation or trial of any kind. Ugh.

Totally, dude.

I would have to agree with you on all points there. And you have reminded me that watching The Following a second time through would probably result in irreparable brain damage. Must save brain cells for Season 2!

Maybe they will have a Siberia Christmas special to wrap up loose ends, kind of like Downton Abbey or the UK version of The Office. Christmas in Siberia: Santa Saves the Day!

I was pleasantly surprised by the show too. I think the "kind of, mostly, sort of, almost… good?" description is apt. I did like Mison's delivery and I really like the chemistry between him and Nicole Beharie. The show's a bit cheesy (speaking of, what was that cheesy white stuff in Crane's grave in the cave? Ha!