
Also, I wanted to formally say thank you to Scott for providing great snarky reviews for season 1. Dome out, until next season!

That's the truth. When Nashville flooded, it brought out the best of people here. There may have been fight clubs, but only to generate food contributions for the victims.

I've also come to the conclusion that Under the Dome is a giant sloppy statement about how the United States is corrupted by materialism, drugs, crime, guns, religion and children who have no parental guidance and the Dome is China coming to obliterate us with their superior technology.

When the butterfly was circling Barbie, I started thinking that maybe "crown" really meant bang him in the head and the butterfly was going to whip out a crowbar and just whack him in the noggin. But no. Disappointment. Classic Dome.

Waitress dungeon chick has smoked them all according to Junior.

I feel like I need to go back and watch The Following just to see which is worse. I think Dome might be giving it a run for it's counterfeit money.

When he pulled out the noose, I really wanted Phil to go, "Oh hell no!" But alas, I was disappointed.

It's the Dome Time Warp that allows this show to defy all reasonable explanations of a linear timeline.

Classic Dome.

First sentence? Nail, head. Wow. This was really a bad episode. It's good to know you can assemble a gallows with perfect construction of 4x4s and a lever thingy in the time it takes Junior to drive from the cement tunnel things to downtown. It's like there's a time warp under The Dome.

"You just kinda hold it and wash it" is going to be my official debate point on this from now on. I may use it for other random debates completely unrelated to The Penis as well. I like it. I like it a lot.

*Wilhelm scream*

Classical Music Poe.

I want Todd VanDerWerff to comment on this by saying, "Todd VanDerWerff approves this message."

Do people still buy DVDs?

The TV Club:  Botoxed for your viewing pleasure.

Technically speaking, he didn't say word, he typed it. Word.


I didn't know there was a calendar at one time, but damn it! Now, I want the calendar back! *Goes off to make protest signs.*

Capricious whims? I see. Just like congress. Classic Poe.