
Okay, that's cool. The original and the cover are good.

Yeah, that's really not my thing. My brain requires structure. There is no free jazz allowed in my predominantly left brain.

I'm a big Nina fan, but this kind of sounds like a high school band warming up before practice. I guess I just don't have an ear for this avant-garde jazz stuff though. So, maybe it's really good?

It was an excellent return of "vinegar strokes"!

I'm super tired of hearing Marcel whine about Rebekkah not coming back for him. She thought he was dead AND she was staked for 80 years. Give the girl a break already and quit being a pouty little bitch, Marcel.

Stray Observation - where'd they get all that ice for the bathtub so quickly?

I was thinking the same thing - reviews should contain no less than 4 stray observations. AVC Standards.

Also, on the off chance that someone already didn't point it out….

I had to pause it I was laughing so loud when Saul turned the lights out.


I like the season. I agree with the points in the review, but I'm still enjoying the season regardless. Dana's story line seems exceedingly pointless.

I totally agree with this review. I'll stick with this show through thick and thin though. But damn, I wish Brody would just die already. The show totally stands on its own without him.

I agree. This was one of Taco's funnier business ideas. I really liked the episode and was surprised to see the C+ rating.

Yes! The blue convertible Camaro… Where is its doppelganger??? I loved that car. He better be fixing it.

Now, there's a good idea.

Next on Oprah's favorite things episode!

Bonus points for the umlaut!

It's like they're using the doppelgangers so they don't have to hire actors for real characters.


This episode made me feel like the show is gaining really strong footing. I love the opening in the living room. They all three play really well off each other not only with the dialogue, but with the glances and smirks. Rebekah's concern for the rug and then pulling the dead girl across the kitchen floor was