
I think they're attempting to be completely serious with Hostages. With Siberia, maybe not so much.


Siberia is fake reality show GOLD! Nay, PLATINUM! It was brilliantly bad. With your recommendation though, I think I may do a drunk weekend marathon of the entire first season.

You know a show is bad when the highlight of the episode is Tate Donovan patching a hole in the wall. And yet, I still can't stop watching.

It's getting there.

I know. I was even thinking they'd change the rating system just for this show so we could go full on F- or maybe even G.

Honestly, the way this season is going with the anticlimactic story lines, I bet she gets injured and miscarries before she has a real chance to decide.

That visual made my day. Thank you.

I agree - I totally think she would be obsessed with checking. I mean - post-it notes, map, string, sharpies, hello! It's not only amusing that she bought them and uses all of them obsessively, but that she's kept every one of them. She's not doing an awesome job of hiding them either.

Seriously. There were so many of those damn things in the drawer. Those tests are not all that cheap. She must get a CIA discount at CostCo. I can kind of see her being obsessive about checking every day or even more than once a day.

Medical records. The CIA would be all over that. There's really no patient privacy when it comes to monitoring their agents.

Quinn is a bit of an eager puppy this season. I had such high hopes for his character this season after that first episode - bomb making, assassination, intrigue! But now all he does is drive around in a black SUV with some binoculars and with a newspaper over a gun he never uses. :( I need Super Spy Quinn back - the

I think this needs to be carefully researched. I'm going to watch these movies just to make sure you are correct. ;)

I agree, but I just wish he would play less creepy/mean roles when he does tv series. He is definitely swoon-worthy regardless.

I hate to be all girly and dramatic, but this episode was so dreamy. I loved Mary's first kiss scene. Bash was great too. And the scenes with Greer and the kitchen guy was swoon-worthy. I love the white flour mark on his face at the end. Perfect!

Spot on review. I never quite got the point of Duncan making her shoot at the far off tree. I'm quite sure she would have been closer to Duncan if she tried to shoot him. So, his point was kind of moot. But really, it matters little when this show makes little sense regardless.

I think it would be awesome if they hid Brody in some Yoga studio. The finale? "Oh, he's been here doing yoga and getting Zen the whole time. That thing in the abandoned skyscraper was Brody mentally coming to terms with what he did as a pawn of Abu Nazir."

Yeah, I see what you mean. I don't really want them to get together because Carrie will just eff it up in a horrible way that I can't even imagine. So, I guess I want it to stay the way it is too.

Allegiant completely ruined the series for me. I want to go back and re-read the series because I loved the first two books so much, but I think I'm going to stop before the last few chapters and just re-write the ending in my head. You said it best:

This season has been mediocre. I'm really only watching it at this point to see where they take Peter Quinn. I really like his story. He's got romantic feelings for Carrie, right? Or do I just wish that? Their phone call was pretty awesome. It just seemed very intimate.