
If it takes a visual that violent to get rid of an erection, you may want to speak with your primary care physician about a serious medical condition called priapism. Left untreated, it can lead to scarring and permanent erectile dysfunction. Maybe think about that next time you need to get rid of an erection. Or

I'm a huge fan of TV Club. The reviews really are great. The best part is that they inspire a lot of dialog about the show. Of course, it usually devolves into sick humor and fart jokes, but that's why I keep coming back. The TV Reviews sounds like a great addition and I'm looking forward to reading.

Well done!

This coming from a person with the screen name "penis" makes me think you might be onto something.

Doh! I forgot about that! Riparian rights!

They're probably just stacking them up at Minister Addict's house since he was also the undertaker in addition to being a religious zealot drug dealer.

Well, when you put it that way, it doesn't sound absurd at all.

Pop culture fail. However, opportunity win! Go watch some Lost!

Excellent crossover suggestion.

It's the Dome. It's compelling you.

Also, I like how they try to use little law tidbits here and there to teach the audience. First, eminent domain and monopolies. Now, exigent circumstances. There will be a quiz after the finale.

I'm really bummed they killed off the Chester's Mill version of Marilyn Whirlwind from Northern Exposure. I was beginning to really like her and the fact that she was picking up tidbits from outside the dome.

He sure had a lot of blankets in his room. Maybe they're transitioning him into a quilter to diversify him a bit.

Yeah, that made no sense to me. Of all the things they could write to make Junior push her away, they chose that?

Yeah, I was pretty disappointed that Barbie's on the run now. He will literally be running in circles. And Joe exclaiming that Barbie is the monarch didn't really seem logical. "Oh look! Barbie can push people out of the way AND he can breath through a straw! That shit is MAGIC, yo!" Classic Dome.

If someone gets stabbed with a fork on this show, I'm done. Classic Poe. Not Classic Dome.

Oprah's Dome of the Month.

Yes! :)

I haven't seen that show. I need to watch it though.

Big Jim went all Heisenberg on Barbie's ass.