
Accurate assessment of LWS. I don't get distracted by boobs, but Magic City was such a colorful and pretty show that I too forgave the show for being pretty cheesy and cliche.

The timeline makes no sense.

I just want him to be as evil as he was on Damages.

Not following up on that picture thing was mind blowing. Not in a good way.

"Walt’s Bellagio fountain of bullshit" Well done, sir.

I'm not sure if someone already brought it up, but I suspect he didn't kill Marco in the warehouse because he wants Marco to live for at least some period of time grieving the death of his wife and children, just like Tate did.

Here's the artesian water map in Big Jim's office. Sorry - not the best photo ever. Compared to the map from the first episode, it looks like Hank is looking too far north if the kid's mad trigonometry skilz are correct. See aforementioned island at Jim's elbow.

Natalie Zealand is brilliant.

Yeah, if that's the island, they totally fubar'd that part of the plot with that early map. In one of the early episodes all the above-ground water was flammable. Barbie set it on fire in Big Jim's office when they had the artisan cheese, um, I mean artesian water talk in front of another map. On the map in Big Jim's

In episode 2 they show a map and the island is outside The Dome… unless there's another island. I'm determined to watch all the episodes again and create a map of mathematical proportions that even Joe would envy.

I started watching the series over and Joe actually shows a map in episode 2. The Dome does go through part of East Lake. Here's a screen shot. Julia's house must be in the lower right since that seems to be a more densely inhabited spot near The Dome's edge.

I can't believe you went there, but kudos for thinking outside the… dome?

I don't think the St. Elmo's Fire lady is dead. She shouldn't be dead anyway. If a person who lives on water can't swim on their back by kicking their feet all the way to the shore then… survival of the fittest, I say. She deserved to die.

When I saw her fall in, I was like, "Oh no! She's going to melt and become like The Joker of Under the Dome!" and then nothing happened except she looked like she might drown in regular water, or maybe get a staph infection or maybe an ear infection.

Yeah, and the giant toxic lake suddenly looks to be the size of Lake Michigan. At least we now know where Winona, um, I mean, Claire, um, wait, MAX has been staying this past week, I guess.

Yeah, the fight club thing. You'd think even THESE people, who seem to have been affected in the head by a lack of oxygen in The Dome, would think it was a bad idea to get into fights like that with little to no medical supplies left after that giant outbreak of whatever that was in the beginning. But no. Here's my

I'm not sure the "interesting" angle is what the writers are going for on this show. And, if it does turn out that the bartender is trans, I think you should sue because they are clearly reading this and stole your idea.

Low Winter Sun: What's on in the background while you do a little light housekeeping before watching the lame Breaking Bad aftershow and going to bed.

Once Frank found out that the dead dude didn't kill Katia and that Joe just really set him up to help murder the dead dude, why isn't Frank turning against Joe? Maybe I missed something. I think I say that every episode though. I couldn't agree more with the review, especially about the dialogue. They've got the