
Ryan Hardy's been on a bender under the dome, but he will finally snap out of it and be hot on the trail of Joe and his merry band of Domers.

Yeah, I can see this. So ridiculous it's good is the only reason I'm watching.

I haven't even finished watching the episode and I agree that this is a real let down from the previous couple of episodes that gave me just a little hope that they were going in the right direction. There are too many people tied together, but unlike Lost (as you point out the similarities as well), it's poorly done.

Or even The Following. Is she just going to be on every show now?

With the great actors and the premise of the show, I really want to like this show, but it's not getting the job done. Maybe I'm coming off the high from Breaking Bad and my brain doesn't want to engage. I do love that they shoot in Detroit. The city has such an interesting vibe.

There's a map in the front of the book. If you go to the Kindle book on Amazon and look at the preview of the book, the map is there. I think you can download the sample for free as well. Of course, I'm sure the show has deviated some from that map.

After Googling, Monarch is also the name of a French-American drone doom band (whatever that is) (also Dome Doom band?). Maybe The Dome makes tv predictions and they are going to win this season of America's Got Talent or whatever random cookie-cutter talent show is on these days.

And I had total tee up with the whole meth lab thing. Boyd Crowder could have blown up the meth labs in The Dome. Raylan could have been hunting down Barbie who is on the run because he went AWOL from the CIA (where he worked with Carrie) and The Dome could be his way of helping out Philip and Elizabeth from inside

My favorite line: Damn it, Barbie!

None that I've picked up on. The government and terrorists have been bandied about, but the show seems to be going in the direction of Lost and the island. The dome is making people see dead people and it's sending some people weird messages. I guess it could be aliens. But they really haven't said at all.

And where are they going to get all the seeds? I guess no one raided the Chester's Mill Home Depot. Surely all the vegetables they had are gone now. So, they can't get seeds that way for like cucumbers. Maybe Big Jim also hoarded wheat and corn.

He tunnels to China only to find out that he tunneled into another dome. Actually, that reminds me of the meerkat exhibit at the zoo where people can pop their heads into a plastic dome to be inside the meerkat exhibit. Maybe this isn't a snow globe. It's a giant meerkat exhibit.

Adding: Here's a quarter. Call someone who cares.

Well, apparently when you hit the dome with a nuclear bomb on one side, the other side stays pristine and radiation free. It's like they just totally forget that they did that.

Like in the back of a Volkswagen?

I'm so jealous of her curly red hair that I don't even pay attention during her scenes. I just look at her gorgeous hair the entire time and curse my feeble straight brunette existence. And then I giggle a little when I remember that she was the villain on Twilight.

And Albuquerque never really existed. They all died when that plane crashed due to Jesse's girlfriend's dad's grief.

Only posted an hour and this has almost a thousand comments. I guess everyone hated it.

Good point. Joe actually does that in the book. *spoiler alert*

Or in the back hollars of Kentucky pig farms.