Gleep Glop

I have a sneaking suspicion that this small group of people exist entirely within the skull of the dipshit currently in charge of the nuclear codes.

Only in the sense that they were the popular choice for the job and neither of them would have been quite as embarrassingly bad.

Great episode, except what ever happened to the Russian guy?

Order of British Dicknoses, if I recall my chivalry studies correctly.

Butt wouldn't stoop so low.

I love his voice, particularly the way it doesn't remotely match his face. It's as if every video was the result of some disastrous ADR mishap.


Zippidy Doo Doo!

Later that same night, bolting upright from a dead sleep Storm cries out in frustration, "He croaks! I should have said 'He croaks!'"

Is that true? I hope that's true because it's much funnier if they didn't intend for it to be poo.

I just realized that Trump is T. Herman Zweibel made flesh.

And Little Ricky will be playing his tiny drum kit.

Well that's just great! We're in some real pretty shit now!

I thought I was the only one who remembered "The Wanderers." Young Ken Wahl, your future was so bright.

Nah! Nah! I said you look like ears widout pricks!

The story I read wasn't that the security costs were higher , it was the vacation costs. Hannity constantly railing about how much vacation the Obamas were taking and that the tally after 8 years was $94 million, meanwhile Trump clocks out every Friday at 2:00 to head to Mar-a-Lago and so far his vacation costs are

The A.V. Club
natural talent but are otherwise shit people.