Gleep Glop

You're thinking of Jon Heder.

Oh, neurozach…you're clumsy!

"He said 'It's not not a problem'. My doctor stutters! PERIOD!"

Welcome Andrea!

He's got kind of a Harvey Dent thing going on there.

I never said the consequences of being an asshole should include violence. The consequences of being an asshole should be that you get called out for what you are and held up for ridicule. Just shaking our heads an ignoring assholish behavior is how we got here and we can't afford to ignore it any longer.

AIDS? Who has the AIDS you say?

Exactly what I'll be telling myself 3 weeks after January 20th!

I think it stems from people believing that "freedom of speech" also means "freedom from the consequences of being an asshole."

Come on people, Gamma World! We're living in modern times ferchrissakes!

In 4th grade my brother thought it would be cool to light the pitch dripping from a fir tree behind our house. He also though he would be able to beat out the inferno with a styrofoam cooler. Wrong and wrong.

I fear the kids will be learning about his administration the same way that German kids learn about their early-to-mid 20th century history.

Coming right up

It ain't pretty.

I was thinking Maus

Strong Bad knows you can't take it to the limit without Fhqwhgads.

It's not so much about making your kids cool, as it is about not always having to subject yourself to whatever vapid drivel they picked up elsewhere.

Don't you oppress me!

While also avoiding the indignity of having to party with Sebastian Bach.

And what did Soundgarden do to merit those two bold brackets after its name? The world may never know.