Gleep Glop

We'll complain… then we'll complain

Full to the brim so no one sneaks any cream in that bad boy!

Your comment would be spot on if posted 6 years ago.

Don't make me waste letters.

"I'll have a twist of lemon, too."
Everyone else at the table

Pretty much. Although one might mistakenly stumble into a conversation with the occasional Rand Paul supporter.

We hate Alex Jones and love our coffee equally. Combine that with our famous passive-aggressiveness and the result is that we would glare at him derisively from a distance while sipping our triple tall no room Americano and muttering about what an asshole he is to the hipster standing next to us, but only after

Listen all y'all it's Pinotage

One of my favorite exchanges ever.


Jora Roarmornt?

Joffrey Rabatheon?

I'm thankful that I got to see Motorhead when they played Coachella in 2014. Most of my group were too exhausted/hung over/stoned to go the Sunday shows but I knew it would probably be my last chance to see Lemmy. The set was amazing, Slash sat in for half of it. My ears were ringing until Wednesday night.

Goddammit, why is everyone suddenly cutting hundreds of onions in here?

When I was 10 my dad let me watch A Clockwork Orange with him. I made it up to Mr. Alexander's meltdown while Alex sang Singin' In the Rain in the bathtub. My night terrors should stop right about the time my shrink's kid gets his PhD.

It was his good friend "Jim."

To your reveal — ah, apologies.

Well yes, they even acknowledge it in the dialogue.
Angier: "Cutter knew. But I told him it was too simple, too easy."
Borden: "No…simple maybe, but not easy."


Agreed. There is one thing in particular that breaks my brain when I try to puzzle it out and maybe someone here can help me. WARNING: My question involves SPOILERS so read no further if you're going to yell at me for ruining an 11 year old movie.