Gleep Glop

"Ve'll schtomp it und schmoosh it!"

BTW, I got his comments from the radio broadcast. I haven't watched the clip so I don't know if the explanation I mentioned is in the above clip

In the interview he said that the lie was told out of hope it would make him sympathetic and therefore less likely that other comics would trash him as he was getting his standup career started. Seems like it may have worked for a while but the interest on that credibility loan is turning out to be pretty fucking

Said my doctor, as I died of tuberculosis.

You think the GOP ain't with it?!? They write about our obstruction in the PAPERS!!!

Thanks, Miller.
Apologies to Moneypenne. After leaving Edelman and his 22 points on the bench, in no way did I deserve to win that matchup.

Let's see, well, first there's uh….

What I learned from Star Trek Into Darkness is that seeing it while very stoned is the key to not hating it as much as most people seem to.

Too soon!

On the other hand, Yes!

Yeah, and now he's dead! What does that tell you?

If by "tribute" you mean "designed to inspire."

My wife and I share an iTunes account and I just discovered that this song is in my phone.

The more I am reading of Train the more awful the world becomes!

Howard Stern claims to be a big Train fan, which I find absolutely baffling.


No, my point is that the very purpose of a gun is to shoot bullets into people and things whereas causing drunk driving deaths is not the very purpose of alcohol.

Maybe the difference is that alcohol is not produced for the express purpose of causing drunk driving fatalities.

This user commented on an A.V Club article. What happened next will leave you speechless.

I keep reading this in Admiral Akbar's voice.