Gleep Glop

A cosh?

Obviously, since we all know one addresses a German/Scot as "Kraut MacFriend"

Exactly why I come here to ask. If I wanted a bunch of smart ass kids telling me how lame I was I'd go to 4chan. Or spend time with my children.

Anyone know which cipher they used tonight?

Fun and not too long was pretty much exactly how my 11 year old described it.

He was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. He was then taken to a better hospital where his condition was upgraded to "alive."

I like to think this is all just an act on Adam's part to hide his enormous crush on Nick Searcy.

Still arguably better than the mess you end up with when the Puritans do it.

Only A Lad, Nothing to Fear and Good For Your Soul were the holy trinity of music in my high school years. When I was 17 my best friend and I managed to get backstage and met the band on the Dead Man's Party tour. John Avila offered me a beer, Danny Elfman autographed my So/Lo promotional poster and told me the

Not to mention Triumph the Insult Comic Dog getting stoned in a van with Bon Jovi's roadies.

I have to agree with Third Man Records on this one.

Only 2 of those are chainz. The rest are an assortment of strandz and necklacez.

Somewhere, ElDan just orgasmed everywhere.

If the Beatles had been a lightweight knock off of themselves.

Related - Also lacking Bowie-sperm stealing witches.

What are you, some kind of witch or something?

I loved the shit out of Birdman and feel validated in this having discovered tonight that the people I watched it with, and who hated it, believe that Jesus picks who wins the Super Bowl and that race relations have been resolved so the people involved with Selma should just get over it already.

How else were they supposed to truck in those giant rocks, dumbass?

Clearly the latter, but that it was a steaming heap like 50 Shades of Grey that served as her inspiration is what makes it particularly silly.

No argument there.