Gleep Glop

I should also say that I honestly don't hold the books responsible. This person was fairly bonkers to begin with.

I don't want to come off as shaming. However her behavior, (see above) which emerged after reading the books and which she credits for her "awakening", frequently takes place in the presence of her 4 grade school aged kids who have begun to mimic some those same behaviors.

If she were a 19 year old boy, the amount of leering, groping and vivid descriptions of sex acts she would perform on most of the men who pass by would cause her shocked frat brothers to strongly urge sensitivity training or counseling.

I can't hope that the film is good because I can't abide the author being further rewarded for making shitty art. Also, reading the book turned my friend's unsatisfied wife into a publicly embarrassing horn dog lunatic.

Off topic, but Beck is kind of looking like Quentin Crisp. And not really even a younger version.

"Next time you'll get more than a dildo in the head!"

Any time our kids make a lame excuse for anything my wife and I will give them a withering "Uh huh, ok." and as soon as they leave the room we look at each other and say "Don't blame the dildos!"


A Boba Boy

He doesn't look all that pumped up.

You're thinking of Seattle and/or Denver fans.

Newt Gingrich tweets Guy Ritchie's home address.

The completely self-negating intro to "The Springfield Files".

Wish I'd known this was a parody before I tried to get the extra McRib.

Lisa's looking hot tonight.

And Tom Cruise will get as much ice cream as necessary to ward them off!

I still have no idea who A7x is, but I always get a good laugh out of the reposted comments.

Would also likely be a better band.

Fear not, Tennessee Winston Luke is on the case.

Meanwhile, the guy looks like DiCaprio and McConaughey had a baby with unexpectedly bland results.