Crankypants McGee

A Dan Savage letter-writer wants your number, stat.

I'm not exacerbating, I had an itch.

I also have never voted, @avclub-567eb5532f7966af162480cd7e6db341:disqus , not even when I lived in the States.  I watch it for the entertainment, but I don't care enough to vote. I've also never purchased any of their songs on iTunes. I was at the point of purchasing David Cook's "Billie Jean" once, right after that

I like Phillip, and I have no aspiration to put my goods in his pawn shop display case. Jessica is so generic and choses songs that bore me, and Joshua's melodrama is played for me, and Hollie is so nervous she makes me nervous too (although, unlike the judges, I enjoyed Bleeding Love).  Phillip Phillips always

I'm not sure what happened: my original comment was posted here, in the wrong spot, and then I tried to move it to the thread above and that just somehow didn't occur. I should probably retract my claim to be technologically savvy from upthread.

My sympathies, @avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus , it sounds like it's been just one damn thing after another. Job, dog, friends, women, home. That sure is a lot of loss in a row.
I'm compelled to add that the "permanent rut" and giving up on the idea of finding somone to love "for good" make it sound

Whoops, wrong thread. Nothing to see here.

That's smart thinking on your parents' part, @avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus .  I've had two close relatives go the same way. No one plans to get old and feeble, mostly because it's too hard to think about it. Then, when it happens, it's a messy, nightmarish thing. I kind of hope to get hit by a bus or

No one was addressing me, but I want to hear both @avclub-749a8e6c231831ef7756db230b4359c8:disqus 's happy story and E.Buzz Miller's sad tale of unemployment woe.  I'm in that young, technologically savvy, and bored demographic.

Has the Rapture happened? Or is American Idol not worth talking about? Or both?

Such truth, so simply expressed.

Farscape, bitches.

It was terrible product placement, if that's what it was supposed to be; I couldn't tell what brand it was, and the last person I'd take as my consumption role model is some reclusive, flatulent, disturbed old scientist. It's gotta be a clue, yes? It was on screen for SO long.

@Phil:disqus , since Jensen Ackles will probably want to have your sixth paragraph embroidered on a pillow or something, it might be a nice gesture to tidy parts of it up a little, like this:

Aside: how hot is Stephen Merchant? HIS jokes at his own expense are always gross and hilarious. I love that goggle-eyed freak.

Also: me! *keeps watchful eye out for Matthew Fox's fists of fury*

I am a Canadian with sled-dog-powered internet, and I didn't like it either. Yes, they went back to the ass-fucking well too many times. We all know where that leads: poop on the footpath, and terrible stains on the buckets.

@avclub-23f75baf9da43631c958bc79a4254c60:disqus : You guys would win, hands-down.  Good luck occupying us, though: it's fucking cold up here.  Prolonged exposure to that, as well as our suicide toquers, social welfare programs, and the freaky detached tops of our heads will send you shrieking back over the border in

Here, here!  BURN HIM!

I was completely shellshocked after our daughter arrived.  Somehow, despite carrying the kid for most of a year, I had overlooked the fact that my life was going to change dramatically.  Your "me" times are about to disappear for awhile, C.H.O.M.P.S.  I won't lie to you; that will suck.  But, as other people have