Crankypants McGee

I get the jab that sex between two virgins is likely to be awful, but why shouldn't we believe in zippy conception, exactly? Sperms is sperms; they do their job whether or not they arrived in style.

*slow, mocking clap*

The shoving was kind of extreme. I mean, sure, you've just had some sort of blindingly intense mind-meldy type thing with the Flesh, but does that warrant grabbing Amy by the throat and slamming her against the wall?

I'd like to give him the lifetime pass for the first two. There are no better "strolling around having sexual tension" movies out there.

I think Beatty's done plenty to earn both of his reputations. I saw Splendor in the Grass a few years ago and holy hell, he was a preternaturally pretty man back in the day. He was a shiny, charismatic star and a noted slut, and for those reasons his acting ability (which is considerable but might otherwise have

in medias res
The device was not fairly new when the X-files used it; it was a few thousand years old. What DO they teach in these schools?

General Snipes is correct. Put on weight, boobs get bigger. Slim down, and sadly, the first place the weight comes off is on the balcony. The Pill comment is also accurate. With due respect to Shore Patrol, boob size is not like shoe size. I've worn about four different sized bras since I've been an adult,

I'm going to vote A, DPA, because I don't see that voting B will do much, since Caret hasn't agreed to anything. If it's truly an either/or situation, then it's on you to leave. You seem genuinely hurt by all this, which is too bad.

It is crappy. It is like the saddest section of a small-town video store.

Okay, before this video was just confusing, but if this was really some sort of con or a prank, it's become kind of wonderful. Reviled human pug Tonya Harding… and then pan right to reveal multiple Oscar nominee Glenn Close. Everyone lip-synching their hearts out in some vague expectation of "doing something good

For people (like me) who were curious to see what all this Leonard Pierce / Joss Whedon brouhaha was about, you can read all about it here:

As Sergeant Buck Frobisher:

Leslie Nielsen made my dad laugh harder than any other person on the planet. I remember us rewinding parts of The Naked Gun over and over again when I was a kid, laughing more each time.

Mulder's Big Speech
MULDER: (interrupting) Why is this so hard to believe? When the
accepted discovery of life off this planet is on the front page of
every newspaper around the world? When the most conservative
scientists and science journals are calling for the exploration of
Mars and Jupiter? With every reason to

ENVER. GJOKAJ. Of the Connecticut Gjokajes.

But it DID look like the gondola scene in Moonraker. Slashed budget or no, it looked like a stylistic choice to me.

It's probably a different Chord Overstreet.

Veronica Mars. If the fourth season was going to be anywhere near as crappy as the third, I'm glad they shitcanned it, and I think a lot of people felt the same way. That show had such a great first season, though. Sigh.

I wish I wanted to try to have an opinion on this item. Wait, no I don't.

I don't use the word "snatch" that much…
… for a myriad of reasons. I'm normally a smooth operator, like Sade.