Crankypants McGee

Wow, Nomar Garciaparra! I had no idea Agent Pendrell fanfic existed. The actor is a super-nice guy, for what it's worth. The type who will totally help with dishes. Sad that this is (so far) what he is remembered for.

Oh, I know. "Hell Money" is a wacky hour of unstoppable entertainment!

That guy!
"Hey, that lab tech who keeps flirting with Scully is back! I keep expecting him to die horribly."

No love for Vincent D'Onofrio?
I love that dude. He's a twitchy weirdo. He's not always good, but he's never boring. He's the only thing that makes that Criminal Intent thing watchable.

Anya's speech makes me cry just thinking about it. It was years before I could even think of watching The Body a second time, but the two things I remembered were, "Mom… Mom… Mommy?" and Anya talking about how Joyce would never have any more fruit punch or brush her hair.

It's good the choreographers get to explain the "story" behind each dance…
…otherwise I would not have gleaned from the 0.5 seconds Anya wore eyeglass frames that she was supposed to be Kent's teacher, and missed the important lesson about the sexualization of an underage boy by an adult female authority figure.

Steve Holt! I had no idea Lhasa de Sela had died! That sucks… "De Cara a la Pared" was an obsession of mine for a while. Lovely and sad.

It was a surprise to learn that he was only 61; in those clips from Nero Wolfe, then, he is in his very early 50s. He looked much older.

Don't worry, TMOI, I thought a rebuttal of a rant countering the assumed ironic tone would be funny. Colour me embarassed!

I see what you're saying, TMOI, and we could just as well say that Starz saying, "WTF is a binery lol" for the 450th time isn't terribly fresh, but dammit if I don't laugh every time that sonovabitch does it.

You're assuming people post ironic misogynist comments on AV Club to be subversive, which is an odd assumption. I would posit that people are in fact posting the kinds of things they would say to their friends (if they had any). With your friends, you make the same tired old jokes, and everyone has much the same

J. Random Internet Commentator may not be an accomplished ironist, but this isn't a YouTube debate. People here rarely mean what they say.

I strongly dislike all of you except jondavid666, but I don't wish to be included in the same group, since my dislike doesn't extend to despising you. Does that make me more equal than jondavid666, or less so? Please categorize me too!

I was just thinking about that: other than in the context of this show, I wonder how much male/female partner dancing work there really is out there.

Despite all his rage, Billy's not even pink; he is beige.

I like a lot of the episodes mentioned here; one that I loved was Utopia (the first of the three-parter that ended series three. I thought it was awesome, and then the second and third episode were so unforgivable. It was a shame. Derek Jacobi would have been a great Doctor.

I completely agree. The continuing shmoopiness I can take or leave, but Jeff in his "blue period" is pure win.

Have a Werther's Original, Diabeetus.

It's a freeeeee riiiiyiiiiiide

Some people like Jay Leno. When he was on the later time slot, he got reasonable ratings, I believe. His ratings at 10 pm have been terrible, but some people still watched him. I guess my point is that the reason he should have a show is that there is a larger audience for it than, say, a gardening show, or a show