Crankypants McGee

Lives on West coast and posts comment too late to be really involved in thread. Optimistically waits around for a bit; hits Refresh a few times. Not a sausage. Goes off to buy overpriced coffee.

All movies are "money-making schemes" unless you can go to see them for free. I am not going to see this movie, nor any others like it, but I'm also not going to condemn it for appealing to a willing and eager fanbase.

Nicely put, Lone Audience.

I don't think it's that unusual a phenomenon. Transformers II was critically bashed, but since the target audience was all, "Robots? Fuck YEAH!" it didn't matter. They aren't lunatics, they're just another breed of fanboys.

No, not really. The elastic at the top is sometimes kind of scratchy.

@teh dude: It makes them shorter, but we can quickly roll them back down if we run into our grandmothers or the Queen.

@just zis guy, who upthread lamented his married friend having to "check with the wife" before accepting an invitation to poker: consider the possibility that your friend may be using this as a convenient excuse to bail on you. Many married people (both women and men) play this card frequently, especially to get out

Angela Lansbury is a sexual Lomcovak.

I guess birth control pills could explain the not-period having, and some people (including me) don't get morning sickness, and many of the other tell-tale signs aren't exclusive to pregnancy, but! The kicking! The flipping and kicking! I do not see how even the most reluctant mom-to-be could mistake the feeling of

These crayons taste like purple!

Apparently he lost his virginity at 20, so it's 35 years, which is 12, 775 days. So basically it's an average of a new woman every day (with two days off at some point, which I guess must have been a difficult weekend). Presumably more women are supposed to have slept with him near the beginning of that 35 years

Sexified Warren Beatty Movie Titles
All Go Down
Dick Tracings
Splendor in My Ass

My great-aunt used to say, "There's so much good in the worst of us, and so much bad in the best of us, it ill behooves any one of us to talk about the rest of us." If you have perfect faith in basic human decency, some one will immediately dash it by being a sick, sadistic fuck. If you dismiss human beings as a

Hugh Grant's dance number was embarrassingly unfunny, but I Bill Nighy was hilarious in Love, Actually and the part where Emma Thompson pulls herself (barely) together after opening her Christmas present made me tear up a little. I liked it.

Sgt. Pepper: The Album Nobody Actually Likes
I like it. I always have. "Within You Without You" is a boring noise, but what about "A Day in the Life"?

And you know… we love you… America loves you… You have a talent that just pours out of your fingers and the soles of your feet. It doesn't matter what happens in this comment thread, because you are a great big shining glittering star, Jorge Von Salsa. You are going to have a career that goes on and on and on. We

There wasn't enough gladiating in Gladiator. I thought there could have been up to 50% more gladiating.

There's a huge difference between realizing that beauty doesn't mean being Size 2, and using Big Is Beautiful to justify a lifestyle that leads to huge health problems and possibly an early death. I've accepted that I have weird, cowlick-y hair, but unruly hair poofiness isn't going to give me a heart attack when I'm

Nice! This one's a solid 9. I hope you never go away.

As Ain't Misrepresentin' has already pointed out, Leoni's character is not a hooker, despite her skirt length. I've always liked this silly movie. It's shiny and doesn't outstay its welcome. The whole business of Martin Lawrence saying, "I'm Mahhk Lahhray" about a hundred times is wearying, but the action sequences