Crankypants McGee

- Zach Braff
- Love, Actually
- Juno and anything Juno-adjacent

With his tagline, "I love it when a plan comes together." Ah, the giddy 80s.

Or when Mother Theresa died and everyone kind of shrugged because PRINCESS DI NOOOOOOO. Not that these people are in any way equivalent, but Farrah Fawcett's death is going to be pushed to page 2. Or maybe 3.

I see this is the 101st David Caruso comment, which means I missed congratulating you on your 100th. Belated congrats; this one was above average. Here's to 100 more!

OK, I tried it and I don't hate it. It seems to work pretty well, actually. Don't throw rocks.

@ Gary Leader, I am offended by some ads for cleaning products. That doesn't make them go away, though. Other things I am offended by:

I'd agree with natty that Chuck's plotlines are often repetitive, but they're really consistently enjoyable, whereas Dollhouse is very hit and miss. I'm happy they're both coming back, but I think Dollhouse has a lot of ground to make up after a dead slow start.

Dark, Robert. Very dark.

Good one, OtP. Also, Alec Baldwin.

Chuck. There's the whole espionage part, but the main character has an entry level job in retail.

I love seasons 1 through 5. Partway into season 6, I realized I'd laughed at exactly one thing ("Freckle fart 90"), and I haven't watched it since. I know Zach Braff's hated with the heat of a thousand suns around these parts, but I find early J.D. kind of charming and likable. He gets to the horribly cloying

Actually, that sounds interesting.

I didn't start watching til this year, but they have me hooked. I agree, Steffs, it's just the right mix of action, comedy, and geekery. I'll be sincerely sad if this gets cancelled and Deal Or No Deal goes on and on and on and on and on. I get that these kinds of shows are a lot more expensive to film than game

Chryso, I find this morbid fascination with JVS's disciplinary history quite disturbing. What we're talking about is his ATTITUDE!

As a kid, there was something about that "What of Lazarus?" business that stuck in my head. I think Kirk says something about Sane Lazarus being trapped forever with a madman at his throat. I always thought that some sci-fi quality of the little inter-dimensional hallway that the Lazaruses are trapped in would keep

I loved the BBC State of Play. It's true, though: six years pass and a lot of the print journalism stuff really doesn't work anymore.

I'm not sure I understand, calla lily. I don't know what Britney Spears' kids look like, but all the photos of Suri Cruise I've seen were pretty cute. Also, there's definitely such a thing as an ugly child, but that doesn't mean anyone has to mention it.

I choose option "F"
And I hope Jamie Foxx will do the same, and go fuck himself. What did Miley Cyrus ever do to him? If he needs more attention, maybe he can wish canceraids on the Fanning sisters next.

At the indie non-profit charity bookstore/shelter for battered women that I volunteer at when I'm not giving homeless puppies baths or healing the blind, we carefully craft each book by hand from repurposed Banana Republic receipts. The text comes from carbon-neutral holistic fair-trade organic nuns.

I didn't think he was going necessarily for British, just sort of a general Euro-ish sound. Half my family is English, and although they don't say "weekend" like that either, it's similar, with the stress on the second syllable.