Crankypants McGee

It's good for people, in that Jesus's death atoned for all of our mistakes. Presumably it was not a very enjoyable day for Jesus.

Out here on the west coast, marijuana is still illegal but unless you're growing bushels of the stuff, nobody says boo about it. The police have an unofficial policy to focus on other things, like the current gang warfare that someone here's already mentioned.

It's BBT's own fault if he's not getting a Canadian audience that will throw things at him. He's attracting the wrong crowd. I'm getting all nostalgic now, thinking about one of the first concerts I ever went to in Vancouver: Oasis, in 1996. Some morons pelted them with shoes and things, and they stormed off the

On the one hand, Eminem seems to be including himself as one of us, a member of the unwashed masses who support tabloid celebrities. We made them, he says, and that's why we love them, because they are our creation. It's not the most trenchant observation, but I've heard worse.

I think there are only about twenty words in an issue of People, not counting headlines or a list of must-have products a "celebrity lifestyle expert" believes Angelina Jolie might carry in her purse. They still get me with the siren song of their Best and Worst Dressed issues, though, those assholes.

35. Laura isn't really dead.

alurin, isn't that "reset" a hallmark of both original Star Trek and TNG? Great Big Happenings Occur, but by the end of the episode, Kirk is back to normal, the ship is repaired, Spock has his emotions in check again, Deanna's son turns out to be a mystical alien creature that no one ever mentions again, Picard's

Excuse me, where are the nuclear wessels? Are you sure it isn't time for a colorful metaphor? I haven't seen Save the Whales it for years, but it sure made me happy when I was a kid, and for that I shall love it forever.

That poor little kid nearly made me cry, so I'm guessing I'm their target audience. Except for the fact that I don't smoke, of course.

Oh, pfft, Gentle Herpes, I am skinny and I like all those things. It's true there are a lot of things I don't like, but I would say that's true of 90% of AV Club posters. Complaining is what we do.

Yuck, you all still menstruate? I have my assistant do it for me. I don't have the energy, and plus I don't like getting my Faberge underoos all icky.

Royalty, Lord it looked good on me, buried in silk in the royal boudoir or going nuclear-free, or playing crokinole with the princess of Monaco. Telling my jokes to the OPEC leaders, getting it all on video.

@Ellie — I've noticed that there is a distressing amount of new Jane Eyre material in print as well. I don't know how it happens, but I think maybe this is why we can't have nice things.

Re: Pride and Prejudice and Porn, it's almost been done. My aunt, who knows I like Jane Austen, sent me two novels by someone named Linda Berdoll (Mr. Darcy Takes A Wife, Nights and Days at Pemberley) that would at least qualify as Pride and Prejudice and Smut, for those who really want to read about Elizabeth and Mr.

All is for the best in this best of all possible worlds. Except this movie.

The original pilot that they stole all those "flashback" sequences out of for the Menagerie was actually pretty good, I thought. Wow, I am a giant nerd.

I've always thought that "moist" and "squat" are terrible words, mostly because they have an onomatopoeic nastiness. Though I've never thought about it before, Steve McRib, I'd have to agree with your friend that "crotch" has that same quality, in that it sounds like a squelching sound effect.

Oh, possibly you're right. It just seems like she hits that same note throughout this interview.

"I'm not really sure if I was just a muse or a real contributor."

I fell hopelessly in love with my best friend's ex-boyfriend. Which is not what you do, if you're a good friend, I know. I am a very bad friend. On the other hand, if I'd been a better friend, I'd have missed out on so much happiness. I know I should feel bad about it, but I really don't.