Crankypants McGee

Perhaps there's a full spectrum amidst these 40 objectosexual folks. People who only like "male" objects, or "female" objects, or like both. People who like to dress up "male" objects like "female" objects. People who like to tie objects down or play Naughty Nurse with them. Etcetera.

Oh, crap. I mean… here:

I chucked mine out, because I didn't have a record player.
ACK! THPPPPPPT! I am dumb.

I didn't see it happen.

Presumably wammer's idealistic soul is above mere filthy lucre.

Yes, Fish Tarkington, if there's anything Onion AV folks are known for, it's their incurable bias against character actors.

It actually doesn't sound that bad to me. My boss on a rampage would break C-Bale into itty bitty actor shards.

At 45, male actors are certainly not out of the 20-something pairing bracket. Please see A Perfect Murder and the entire later filmography of Warren Beatty. (By this, I don't mean literally see these movies. God forbid.)

And how would his character rate his wanting-of-his-daughter-back-from-the-Albanian-sex-merchants, on a scale of one to ten (ten being "AAAAAARRRGHDIEYOUFUCKERS!" and one being "Oh, so THAT'S where she went…")?

It would have been "sects," but it's over now
It would have been good, but I lost it somehow

Morally speaking, you mix baked goods and sects and you risk affronting Xenu. You're also in danger of getting crumbs all over your basement.

I don't even like football, but I love this show. The first season had LOTS of football in it, and I was mesmerized. All the characters are interesting and lovable and flawed. Plus, Eric and Tammy have one of the best TV marriages I've ever seen.

This is fantastic. Well done.

Shame, everyone!

With a heavy course load (or even a wacky schedule) you can easily have back-to-back-to-back classes with huge cross-campus distances to cross. I brought water, or occasionally coffee, depending on how the day was going. Most of my professors did the same (and since they were lecturing, that seemed very natural).

Harriet. Sweet Harriet.
Hard-hearted harbinger of haggus.
Beautiful, bemused, belicose butcher.

I probably shouldn't have had that third glass of wine.

Hurrah! My made-up word is spectacularly vindicated! Thank you, alyxandr!

The contestants are planning to nuck us down. But… will they use spatzels? Will there be a steronimous flythe? How will I benhiggle the resulting plenthiness? I have so many questions now.