Crankypants McGee

"It's a free ra-eee-aii-aaiiiiid…"

He looks so sad… I laughed out loud, but I felt really bad about it.

I think it's a put-on. When we saw her last year, she told the crowd that "Earth is the greatest planet in the world!" And then went, "Wooooo!" That's got to be planned.

Now that you've explained what you were trying to do, I kind of get it. I am slow. Carry on.

This is the worst ZMF impression I have ever read, but it's an interesting piece of performance art, nonetheless.

Oh those wacky foreigners and their boob-loving ways! Those rapscallions!

1) Anytime you can get other people to pay for your stuff, it's a step above.

The Alan Ball Effect
I'm amazed at the awesome power of the Alan Ball glamour. Somehow it's enough to get the Golden Globe people to overlook completely gratuitous overblown shite.

MOST of the claims? I smell cover-up!

I'm not a fan of those people either, but the premise sounds interesting. Pushing Daisies was already sort of a fantasy fable, though, and ABC didn't see that one through.

I tried to like it, but the first six episodes were all sort of the same. Topless girls riding Duchovny. I see where there's a market for that, but I'd have liked it to be funnier.

This is a great idea. We could have all our friends and relations made into pieces of furniture. I think I would make a great end table.

Avengers Novelizations (!!!)
I had no idea such things existed. Sweet Fancy Moses.

Whoah, Karatloz,I meant that I found it boring, when I'd been forewarned to expect only grea things. I thought there were long stretches of boring, stilted dialogue where the momentum was lost copletely. I'm looking forward to a Reservoir Dogs appreciation crash course.

Reservoir Dogs
I'm looking forward to the 18th. I've fallen asleep during Reservoir Dogs both times I tried to watch it. I need someone to explain to me why it is awesome in a way that I can find convincing.

What awesome restraint. Kudos.