
You don't need to give up on heavy music just because you're getting old.  I'll be 40 in a month, and in the last couple of years I've reverted to listening to lots of heavy stuff.  I think part of it is that life get kinda mellow once you have a few kids running around, but the music is still there and still exciting.

Of course the can.  I've been very active in raising my children.  They're only 3, but they know the difference between an IPA, a stout, a porter, and a lager.  I have important life lessons to teach them.

"—has no real discernable villain, as is usually the case with films from Japan’s Studio Ghibli"
Whatever, Totoro may be the most nefarious creature ever created.  One day when he finally gets pissed of, he's going to open his mouth up wide and eat the entire world.  At least that's what I tell my kids, who have

Does that girl even breathe oxygen, or purely cigarette smoke?  In a few years she's going to make Kathleen Turner sound like Tiny Tim.

Wait, who was this guy?

Bummer.  I'm a big fan of when they do things to just straight hurt themselves, but rarely enjoy the "uncomfortable situation" humor.  Guess I'm more of a skateboarder than a watcher of "The Office".

I think you have them confused with Hot Topic.

With Kat Dennings you're just looking too high.

Oh man, I've had a rule since I was 15 to not read any series that hasn't been finished yet, I can't stand waiting for books to come out.  I started reading the series several years ago because I thought it was only a 4 book series.  I was really, really bummer when I figured out there were at least 3 more to come,

Kevin Seconds, the man who brought "Woah, oh, oh, oh!" to hardcore.  God bless him.

Time for the mountain lions.

He is generally disliked by the entire snowboard community.  He has also been famous (at least in the snowsports world) since he was 7.  So, we gave him a huge ego, then hated him for it.

Put him in the Iron Maiden!

I like pretty people explosions very much.

@avclub-0f0d67e214f9fef69b278e3d08114da9:disqus They're Klingons?

Speaking of bathroom stalls, (spoiler, I guess) something important is about to happen in a loo this season.

White Olympus House has Fallen Down

Well, did you see the boobs in the trailer?  God created the pause button for a reason, you know!

I'm a big enough fan of Steely Dan that I listen to their music all the time, but I don't really know what their album covers look like.  What the hell is that to the left of the stripe?  A beak mouth? Some kind of creepy alien coming out of the shadows?