
"it’s a sensual, violent routine that benefits from a tight performing space.". Sounds like my bathroom every morning.

Seven feet from Stardom:  The drummer's story

What do the alligators represent?

South Farthing Gold.

Kate sure does make a pretty elf though, doesn't she?

Last time I saw them I had to drive 14 hours to Chicago.  This time I get drive 20 minutes to Denver.  Way more environmental.  If only it was at Red Rocks.

I used to work for them.  Then Yahoo destroyed us.  I was glad when Google took over.

What's weirder, thinking you're drunk even though it's N/A beer, or getting drunk without realizing you're drinking?  The one time I went to New Orleans, I really didn't understand how New Orleans worked.  I bought a hurricane flavored slushy at some random convenience store, nothing indicating any type of booze was

Several cans of coke in a pillow case will beat two pool balls in a sock every time.

Fox Force Five.

It's also a ridiculously good album by Pig Destroyer.

I'm sure the family dance was way more set up than they made it appear, but I don't care, it was adorable.

I would need to upgrade my 10 year old CRT TV before I bother getting a Bluray player.

Muppet Wars Babies.

To help amplify the sound of the laser blasts.

Don't tread on him?

A Lannister.

It will be just like that one in Beverly Hills, right?

She needs to get off that angry chair and chill out.

Alice's Mother in Chains.