
If it was about a sandwich it would be called Big Grinder 6.

Funny, I love Metallica's version of the "The Wait", and I always knew it was a cover, but I never found out who's song it really was.  Now I know!  So, is this a good album to start with for Killing Joke?  Didn't Justin Broadrick play with them at some point?  Or am I just confusing Killing Joke and Godflesh?

Your comment makes me see red.

Why couldn't it have been Mustaine?


You can't copyright no book, man!  Oh wait, yes you can.

You know what you really want is Gorilla Biscuits to put out a new album.


Is the Apple laptop that hacks alien networks back?  That was the true star of the movie.

They do both enjoy the weights.

Are those the green girls?  I've had lots of thoughts about the green girls.

They were able to fit his whole story in one book, why does Martin need 7?

Get to work, bitch!

I'm pretty sure that's Judd Apatow.

I bet he likes to point those numbers out to Gwen when people are clamoring for her autograph and he has to watch the kids.

Yeah, this is way before his ultimate fighting days.  However, I love when he punches people in the face.  As a skater in suburbia in the late 80's, I got hassled a lot.  I wish I had the guts (and muscles and fighting skills) to do what he does.

My favorite will always be Freak Scene, probably because it was in this Mike Vallely clip I watched 5000 times when I was 14.

Oh, thanks.  Where's his pants?

Where's Batman?

“it'll be me and a walker fighting some other old guy”
Well, Bubba Ho Tep was pretty great.