Flame Princess

Well with the "your people shall be my people" bit they practically name-dropped Ruth 1:16.

I can actually buy that she wouldn't. The Ghost crew are presumably one of multiple rebel cells she's managing at a time, so they're not necessarily getting all of her attention.

Especially since (it sounds like) they brought back Lanter to do the voice work, because previously it's all been James Earl Jones this season.

I kind of hated the Mortis arc, but only because it comes so close to changing the narrative before snatching any real relevance derived from it away. (The final 3 minutes of the Mortis arc are probably the most infuriating minutes of television I have ever sat through; although I admit I never watched Lost.)

My husband only knew her as the mayor's wife from State and Main.

I loved how the animation depicting Yellow Diamond looked so very…1970's Hanna-Barbera.

Nightmare Hospital came pretty close, I'd wager.

My favorite always has been Better Off Dead.

The Universe will not be ignored, man.

I once went to a wedding where the bride performed this entire rap from memory at the reception, then dropped the mic. Good times, although I can't imagine it made the DJ happy.

Only if they distribute different endings in different markets. Because that….might actually rule.

Chanel directing costume plans in the cold open is the swiftest sketch imaginable of everyone’s current characterization

Well, technically they didn't "talk" to aliens, rather they found a crashed alien ship full of free shit that would make Rick Sanchez proud.

I was honestly surprised that the Rift didn't get shattered while Dipper was Flight of the Navigator-ing all over the place in pursuit of Ford.

It can be ::counts:: 12 things!

Something something Breaking Bad Game of Thrones. There, now it's an AV Club comments section.

More like Bed-EEL-ia, amirite?

I kinda thought that was fulfilled in Bella, though, although they didn't hang a giant arrow-on-fire pointing at it and she was dying anyway.

I saw a clip where (ostensibly) a teacher referenced Hannibal by asking a student, "OK, Will Graham, what is this guy's design?" I was torn between being stoked that someone in the writer's room watches the show, and being disappointed because they clearly know what good television looks like, they just don't care.