
I'm not a huge Gary Numan fan but besides this song, I think Replicas is a genius album, both musically and conceptually. It's perfect listening for a cold, crisp winter day when all of humanity seems to be moving in slow motion.

Yeah, I really wish that while all these new stars are in the picture, they wouldn't have to play supporting cast to the McMahon family drama. Still, at least we're getting cool matches.

It still feels bizarre that I watched AJ Styles semi-main event an event in Japan in January, then submit to Zack Sabre Jr in England later that month, and now he's working the main events of two consecutive WWE ppv's. What a year it's been, and we're not even six months in. Despite hiccups and a forgettable Mania,

The Euros are going to be a great time, enjoy it!

Here's a super simple way to make a grain salad: combine a grain, a green (leafy green or vegetable) and a bean.

I'm gonna fix up some whole-wheat noodles, veggies and have some of my home-made kimchi along with it. Making kimchi at home for the first time at home about a month ago was a revelation and now I'm trying to keep it a staple in my fridge, since making it myself means I can fine-tune it exactly as I like it best (with

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn. I'm half-way done and suspicious of every character, except the narrator. The tension is unbearable sometimes, though. It's got a lot of things that skeeve me out completely (the titular sharp objects), but Flynn is such a good author I can't not finish it.

Akdong Musician, peppy sibling duo that just put out an EP that has become the kpop soundtrack to my spring. It's even called SPRING. Love it.

I'm trying hard to get back out there, especially now that I no longer have the "it's cold, I'm staying in" excuse. But Tinder chitchat is sucking the life out of me. Some people think a fun opening gamble is to interrogate everything I say as if I'm giving a witness' statement at the police station, or the try to

My favorite part of #thetwofriends is when David goes "ALL right" whenever Griffin rambles and barely makes it to a point he was meant to arrive to.

Some of the roasts in those reviews have been just plain brutal. I feel bad for the number one fuccboi.

Seriously. I visited a friend in a foreign country who was also a huge fan right before S6 started. We shared a bottle of red at a fancy wine bar and gushed about the show, thinking there was no way they could top the last season. Turns out there wasn't, but I remember that evening so fondly.

I hate to be one of those people who have their "headcanon" of a show ending before it actually did, but hell, I think I'll just do that. It's easier, and hey, it's only a TV show. I own S1-S3 on DVD and I'm going to buy S4-S5 eventually (hm, might actually do that on my next day off) and call it good.

You're probably right. After I got that idea and typed that comment I started actually really picturing it happening and nah, just wouldn't work with these two.

Maybe she just didn't dare be sour?

A thought I had the other day: wouldn't it be cool if the Puerto Rico vignettes actually talked about the wild, rough, passionate pro wrestling that happened in PR back in the day? Where crowds believed everything was real to the extent that foreign heels were dodging broken bottles on their way out of the ring? Then

Honestly, they weren't all that cool in NJPW, though I like both of them. Their style is probably better suited for WWE anyway; they're a real throwback to 80's tag team wrestling and that style doesn't fit modern New Japan.

Some weeks back there was a discussion here about Reply All getting a bit "cutesy" and overly whimsical to the point of detriment. Strongly starting to get that vibe from other Gimlet shows, too. I had to stop listening to Sampler, for reasons I can't quite put my finger on. Start Up came back and is good, but I tuned

I'm gonna rewatch the Animatrix and watch Jupiter Ascending before they cover those, but not touching the Matrix sequels, not even for #thetwofriends.

Yeah, I got the same idea from the call. I wonder if she was doing just-text sexting, which could be like a free-form erotica writing in short spouts. It's cruel to do on a place like OKC if it's just for your own kicks. There are websites/forums for erotica writing that she'd be better off visiting to let her