
A podcast so great that even This American Life had to get some on their show this week.

"Suflex"? 'Kay, I love the Masked Man but man oh man I don't think I'm checking out that Simmons podcast.

I usually treat Half in the Bag like a podcast, let it play in the background while I fold laundry or whatever. It's a fun show.

I know some podcasts which have ended. One was my first - two Portland radio hosts called it quits after doing nearly ten years of podding together. They still got along, just lacked inspiration to continue. Then Adam & Joe, a British comedy duo, stopped doing a radio show/podcast after Joe got busy with his career in

I'm re-playing through 6 right now (first re-play in a decade) and it's so good and I feel like such a horrid person wasting so much time on it, but I love the story, the characters, the maniacal laugh of Kefka. Such a good game.

Even as a teen going through the emotional ups and downs, me and my friends hated this game. They played through it, I gave up on it in favor of FFVII and then FFVI, and raved about those two to my friends until they played them as well, then we quoted Sephiroth in text messages for like three months straight (utterly

The Phantom Menace Trilogy or Podnight Shyamacast? I think the SW episodes are definitely worth it, even if the subject has been retread a million times. The George Lucas episode is one of my favorite single pod episodes of all time.

I really love the Friday Night Comedy Podcast when it's the News Quiz. The Now Show sucks, though.

Dipped a toe in videogame podcasts as background noise while leveling up on Final Fantasy IV, and oh wow, never again. Juvenile dickmeasuring between hosts ("I did X task in 30 mins" "Well I did it 15 *snort*") that doesn't result in amusing banter and talk of being "raped" by a boss in a boss fight (wouldn't

The episodes about Judy Garland, Walt Disney, William Haines, Hedy Lamarr and Bogey & Bacall stood out to me.

I loved it. That caller was really relatable in his troubles and Gethard was fantastic and inspiring.

Thanks for reminding me I should re-watch The Master. I loved it in theaters (intense mood, cinematography, performances, score) and I also liked the debates and discussion which happened when it was initially released about What It Is About or rather, whether it is about anything at all.

If you ever visit Berlin, their film & TV museum has a really cool chronological film exhibit. An interesting "what if" is that had Hitler's reign never happened, Germany might've become an influential and important film country, considering all the creativity and talent they had before lots of Jewish film folk had to

I've become obsessed with screwball-style comedies made after 1960's (so not the traditional screwball era of the 1930's and 1940's, largely because I've seen most of the better ones from those eras). I just watched What's Up Doc, which was adorable, but I'm spending more time looking up movies to fit the genre

Somebody somewhere (Earwolf forums?) commented that Besser likes to have people who've basically gone through the UCB improv curriculum (I think it's 4 levels) and also match them so that people who've done improv together a lot will be on the same shows. If you dig through careers for most I4H guests, they've done

Don't Get Me Started is great! Can recommend to anybody who likes conversational podcasts with funny people. I especially liked the Eugene Cordero episode, but that's probably because having had my struggles with weight/healthy living, I could relate to a lot of what he was saying. The episodes about Steve Martin and

I ran a search on iTunes and it turned up those episodes, so yeah, I'm definitely sure about them. 147 has the memorable "Step back and relax" scene and the dark restaurant scene and 181 is a more recent episode with the Scavenger Hunt scene among others. Both episodes also feature Dan Lippert, I wonder if that's a

Any episodes with the UCB4 are an autorec, naturally. I love the one I4H Amy did where she warmly encouraged one of the improvisers to tell a girl how he felt about her. Super-funny episode, too, but that moment always stuck out to me.

86 - An early fave of mine with Pamela Murphy, Lennon Parham & Danielle Schneider. Fantastic call-backs.

181 and 147 are both PFT episodes. I don't know why he's not on more, might be him being busy, might be some weird UCB insidery stuff, like the fact that Besser likes to book people who have improvised a lot together (ie were on the same improv team).