
I hated the going outside episode, but loved Zardulu. I think it's just because in the dead of winter, this idea that somebody is masterminding odd incidences of every day life makes the mundane more bearable. It also made me understand what my friends who do performance art are trying to achieve with it. I totally

Matt Mira is definitely a tweener.

Join us on the much ignored but never entirely forgotten Podmass comments section tomorrow to dish on podcasts!

Have really been exhausted by life this week, so my comfort entertainment has been watching Cheers for the first time. I was a fan of Frasier and Becker as a kid but for some reason this never aired in my home country when I was growing up so I missed out on it. It holds up surprisingly well as a sitcom, and so I'm

It's an obscure non-English podcast so I doubt it has listenership around these parts (and I don't want to give them negative attention to be honest), and my friend admitted our theories would come off as tinfoil hat ones to anybody who didn't know the show, and possibly even people who did. Sorry.

Had a discussion with a friend last night about an obscure podcast we know and how we both feel like the hosts have stopped liking each other as people (and exchanged bizarre theories as to why that might be). Has anybody ever listened to a podcast with two hosts who stopped getting along and stopped doing the podcast

I came to read this review, wondering the same thing. I dropped out last season (bleh) and because S5 was so friggin' good, I didn't want to believe this show was going to be down in the dumps forever. I think I'll check out the last episodes even though I've already convinced myself S5 is where all future rewatches

I think it's also a zeitgeisty film for many 20-30 somethings. I only knew it as "that film where a figure skater and a hockey player fall in love" for the longest time after seeing it on TV one Sunday afternoon as a kid in the 1990's. It was in my brain before I rewatched it and figured out THIS was the movie I'd

I listened to the first time this week and I loved their sense of humor, but it is kind of terrifying how good these cults are at manipulating people. I can only imagine how easily somebody who is at a low point in their life or actively searching for "answers" could be sucked into it with just a few leading questions

When I walked out of the theater, I thought Silver Linings Playbook was a lovely unconventional romantic comedy, but in perfect honesty I haven't seen it since so not sure how I'd rate it now. Other than that I am drawing a blank, which is kind of great because a lot of the modern female-driven comedies can't be

I grew up with Bridget Jones, seeing the film as a teen, and re-reading the book since then every couple of years. Now as a late 20's single woman myself, it feels odd to look at Bridget because of all the ways I don't relate to her, but also do. Like we all feel burdened that we don't have our shit together in every

I would love to see a concert of old school Final Fantasy scores. Gimme VII, VI, IV, with maybe a few pieces from IX too.

Dawson would watch Nitro. He's working on turning into a late 80's Arn Anderson.

We're supposed to take it at face value that a woman who The Rock called a whore on live television was so charmed by him afterwards that she spent a night at his hotel room, cheating on her boyfriend-to-be-fiance? And laugh because she's a slut? Yeah, not sexist at all…

To an extent it's about others taking a move, but there's also other factors involved. One is that while a lot of moves can be impressive, it's not strictly necessary. It's like a language; a great novel doesn't have to employ a vocabulary you need a dictionary to comprehend. Second, a limited moveset makes it easier

My stance on it varies. Some weeks I'm engrossed, other weeks I start thinking about what to have for lunch while listening. It helps to pinpoint the central question (should we hate this guy for doing what he did or feel bad for what he went through because of one decision?) and listen to it answer that question,

Yeah, that turned me off as well.

I ..could not get into the Anna Faris podcast, as much as I like her and her guests (the Justin Long episode was really good, I had no idea he was as likable as he turned out to be). Sometimes a podcast host has to have a strong personality that guides the show and Anna Faris is lovely but she's clearly not in the

Being a Slammy winner can be a great way for an underachiever heel to annoy the crowd. Everybody knows the awards are a sham, and often puzzling choices even in terms of the storylines, so for somebody to rub their win in the audience's face can be good.

This has been the case for the longest time and it's such a failure of ROH marketing (which is admittedly probably just one guy) that almost nobody seems to know about it.