
I'm of two minds so far on the Anna Faris is Unqualified podcast so far, which was mentioned here a few weeks back. On one hand it's very Hollywood-y lovefest of "oh I love you and your work and you're brilliant" which can sound phoney even when it's genuine, on the other hand the people she's had on are kind of

It's available on Netflix on Christmas Day.

The Royle Family Xmas specials were always near and dear to my heart. I'm not British, nor is my family working class, but something about that family seemed so authentic and close to ours in their interactions that we always loved watching those specials when they came on our country's TV on Boxing Day or something.

The musical numbers can be a hard sell in terms of publicity/marketing but the writing is really fantastic and won me over. Eventually even the songs did, and now I find myself humming some of them.

It was really derided early on for reasons I can no longer recall (representation, I suppose, that old chestnut) and I think that turned a lot of people away from it but what little fans it had loved it a ton. Would have loved another full season, certainly.

Loved I4H. Brilliance.

Typical Engineer Cody-loving AV Club…

The original pronunciation in Finnish is a bit like "sah-oo-nah", seems like they went for something close to that.

I wasn't impressed by the comedy in the first 30 minutes or so but then I discovered it's so much more than that, and once Murray's character goes through that dark period where he offs himself every day because he just hates the loop so much, I realized it was going to go places I completely didn't expect. And it is

The last series of Peep Show has been excellent so far. Looks like the show is going to go out on a high note.

Äkta människor is the spelling and that's a show I really need to see. Sweden is putting out a lot of good shows as of late.

That's the context of us pop culture enthusiasts. I guess. I went on a date with a dude recently who was SHOCKED I'd seen Avengers 2 in theaters the weekend it came out. He was the type who doesn't mind waiting and doesn't get that into these things. Such people exist, I suppose.

I watched The Groundhog Day in October. I'd seen it aged 7 or 8 but fell asleep (just a tired kid, nothing to do with the movie) so when my friend mentioned it I suddenly remembered I hadn't ever seen the ending. Now it's among my favorite movies. Sometimes there can be so much joy in discovering something classic and

Yeah, it's a huge problem in WWE storytelling overall. Nothing changes (20 min promo to start Raw, anybody?) but yet they have these willy-nilly tiny changes that make no sense (see also: Divas booking). Viewers feel alienated because they can't trust the stories to be told, so they stop watching. Or they keep half an

The problem with the Authority is two-fold. One, it takes almost all the heat away from the actual heels and puts them onto non-wrestling figures who never get their full comeuppance because they have to be on TV next week because the network likes them. It's unsatisfying to the viewers because the cycle never ends,

Bless Bruiser Brody or whichever wrestling saint we're honoring this month for that.

I think she's herself, but consciously turned up to eleven. And what a wonderful eleven it is.

Anna Faris is so likable and always in movies and shows I find impossible to like, it's a bizarre combination. So hopefully I can unabashedly like her podcast, at the very least.

It's kind of eerie how similar this is to my situation from some time back. It always sucks to get rejected, even if it's in the nicest way possible, which is probably why she handled it badly. I know I was melodramatic after I got rejected and it fucking sucked, and I wanted to talk to the friend (read: delusional in

I recognize myself in this "go to a foreign country, meet a long-time friend, have a crazy romantic wild weekend & then go home with sads" scenario (which is why I'm replying to you even though your comment is few days old!). Except my guy smartly rejected me in a nice way (he likes me and had fun but long distance is