
I've been meaning to see if the Network finally uploaded 2013 NXT episodes because Sasha and Bayley had a series of matches with similar little callbacks and detailed work where one of them won with move X, tries it in the next match, the other one wiggles out of it etc. These women love wrestling and it shows.

Asuka vs Emma is going to be pretty fantastic, too.

This is one of those matches that is going to split opinions, and wrestling is art etc so that's totally fine. To me it was a MOTYC because while in-ring action had some rough edges and sloppiness, the emotion, context, story-telling, facial expressions, and the arc of the match made up for it. In-ring wise I prefer

Finn needs a heel turn. Usually I'm not one of those people who thinks the solution to every problem is a heel turn but he did his best character work in New Japan as a heel, and I think he could really find himself and his character better as a heel than this "so happy to be here" guy who occasionally gets a coat of

"— if Asuka weren’t going through the match as the personification of the Beyonce lyrics “You must not know ‘bout me.”" - I friggin' loved this line. And the Asuka vs Dana match was such a good, competitive squash. Dana is improving rapidly, the character work is close to becoming really good, and once the in-ring

This show is ridiculous and I'm hooked and will keep watching, because it's actually easier to follow this than follow something with enormous potential that starts sucking eventually. Quantico is committed to not-that-greatness from the get go, and it's the fun kind of bad, so why not.

Hey gang, been away for a while. Specifically, five months. Chalk it up to summer/busyness and Disqus being a dick.

By podcast community, do you mean LA-centric comedian podcast industrial complex? Because yeah, I can see that criticism hurting comedians since comedy is such a YMMV thing to begin with. But then there's stuff like Gimlet Media or RadioTopia or even the shitshow that is most of PodcastOne that isn't really even

Until the Switch Week gives me John Hodgman on Throwing Shade or Pop Rocket, I won't be satisfied. Or the other way around. Guy Branum as guest judge along with Wynter Mitchell guest bailiff would be pretty friggin' funny..

Commutes, long walks (always been a fan of such but podcasting has taken it up a new level), while working out, doing chores like dishes or laundry.. Podcasts are mostly conversational or journalistic narratives (This American Life) or interviews so they don't require sit-down-and-focus kind of attention.

So, I jumped off this show half-way through last season, and wasn't going to return to it, but then my best friend said I should after she marathoned the show on maternity leave. I watched a couple of episodes from the end of the season but I felt exasperated with the show, what with the Kalinda thing, or just in

Loved the Wild Horses episode of I4H. That group makes magic happen, honestly.

Loved the Wild Horses episode of I4H. That group makes magic happen, honestly.

The first five seasons are stellar; the show falters a bit in mid-S4 but then ends the season with some of its best ever episodes. Definitely keep watching if you enjoy it thus far!

It's going to be a bummer that this immaturity is what the show will probably be best remembered for, especially because the reasons for the (alleged?) rift are so mysterious. It's just ripe for a good exposé of some kind. I mean, no doubt fans like me will remember it as a fantastic network drama but it's just

I'm sorry and the Cliffley sketch were incredibly brilliant. The latter reminded me why I don't enjoy most late night talk shows anymore (ahh, the played-up-for-laughs perving by older guys on young starlets). I know the "women saying sorry too much" phenomenon has been discussed a fair bit recently, but this really

The next special, probably. I don't know why they're giving him vignettes early but it's sure putting a dent in the whole "you're here to learn a WWE style" theory of NXT signing indy guys.

The uncertainty angst of Daniel Bryan's situation is making me incredibly sad, the only things that can get me through this wrestling week are Uhaa Nation's smile and the promise of those ROH/NJPW shows delivering the goods. See you on Wednesday for N-Becks-T, LaToya! (And a huge yay for that fact!)

Some fans have commented that they can't enjoy his work after all these injuries, since now it's accompanied by constant dread. I think he's played it up in some matches to good effect, but at times I definitely share that sentiment. I think what worries me the most is the very real-seeming uncertainty factor. Nobody

I heard they got rid of the Chamber because it was logistically demanding to transport. Wrestlers also report it's a gimmick match that legitimately hurts (more than usual). So I really hope this is not wasted.