
"You just know that Pentagon Jr.'s dark master would have turned out to be Hijo del Perro Aguayo :(" - yes, I had this theory in my head as well, before Perro's untimely passing. And it still hurts.

The Black List Table Reads sounds pretty amazing, will have to check it out.

I was just about to type she's one of the most intolerable characters I've ever seen. Weird. It's like we have the same brain!

Honestly, some weeks Mike is my favorite character just because of the little things, like the way he looks up when Selina has that line about everybody eating pussy all the time, or the incredibly funny scurrying run he does in one of the earlier scenes, zigzagging amidst the furniture.

I love Chew, it's the only comic I really follow (I buy the trade paperbacks so I'm a bit behind on the current issues, though). It never fails to make me laugh out loud, but the story's also just really solid.

Those John Harris' mini-docs are great, I hadn't realized he was doing them again. Thanks for the recommendation!

I rented Obvious Child, which was delightful. I wanted to follow that up with Jupiter Ascending (I have this weird curiosity about that film) but it's not out on iTunes or DVD so I suppose I'll have to wait a few weeks.

Tony Blair of today draws humongous paychecks from all kinds of dictators and questionable world leaders for his "consulting" job, flying all over the world. Whenever asked to comment on matters of the day he comes off as an utterly clueless, slightly self-obsessed fogie. I get the sense that the Labour party would

I wonder if there will be another guy who can turn a crowd during a promo. Cena is the master of it, because he's had to do it so many times. Last night's example was pretty amazing.

Ways to make me cry: a kayfabe-injured Sami Zayn, a legit injured Sami Zayn, Sami Zayn wrestling in his hometown, Sami Zayn kicking out of AA (huge!), basically anything and everything Sami Zayn.

I know many of us would love him light up the indies, AJ Styles ..uh, style, but it seems highly unlikely. He's a utility player, so WWE has zero reason to fire him, and unless his contract is coming up for renewal, I doubt he'd walk himself, either.

I was so psyched to see this because I too thought there would be no way to mess up a KOTR tournament. Uhh, I guess I should've thought different. With that said, really liking most of what they're doing with Neville.. Maybe he'll be in the crop of NXT talent that gets a fair shot on the main roster.

Vince loves Truth, according to backstage dirt/sheetz/ex-writers. Loves the gimmick, not just the guy. Which is.. uhh.

I read Stroud regularly and adore his take on LU (thanks to him I describe the love of my life Pentagon Jr as "pissed off skeleton ninja") but I hate the comment layout on Uproxx, it's not very good for conversations.

It worries me so much. Dude is great enough to adjust his wrestling style to work a safer style, and he'll probably still be just as over. I just want him to be healthy.

Hey folks, I'm just going to throw it out here - would anybody be into a LU/NXT discussion in this right here comment thread (cheap pop) come Thursday morning? Being from an EU timezone, I can start it up early (or somebody else can start it, I am not fussy). I'll personally still check out segments and matches from

I understand this sentiment all too well. I trust you're also following Lucha Underground? It's a little different stylistically (both as a TV show and what the wrestling is like) but it's just really fun and making lucha libre accessible.

"This is racially insensitive but we know it's probably Vince not you so we're sorry you're stuck in a company that's light years behind on these matters" clap clap clap clap clap clap.

Man, a rare ESL fuck up for me. Thanks.

You could sense Mania crowd possibly turning on him (as in, starting to like him, not booing as much). I think there could have been an opening for something there. maybe showing some humility and a sign that the beating he took is going to make him work harder or whatever. But then he just came out to be protected in