
God, I want the line up of matches you just mentioned; all of them would be stellar, and all of them would have had great builds. Even just Rollins vs Ambrose on the grandest stage of them all would be great.

Wrestling is redhot now, but none of it is WWE main roster, which gets the most attention. NXT is hot (by combining WWE style with the hottest indy stars), Lucha Underground is hot, New Japan Pro Wrestling is selling out wherever they go in Japan, AAA in Mexico is doing well, and a lot of indy companies are seeing a

I only recently learned you could buy ROH shows on the website. I might grab this one, or the one a Chicago friend recently attended where she got to meet Bobby Fish.

The BFFs re-uniting for a house show, be still my heart.

If Kane and Big Show form a tag team called The Young Bucks I will have to give WWE credit for trolling. Credit to WWE is in extremely short supply as of late, however, as this review clearly demonstrates. Still loved the write up, though!

Patrick's such a mess I can't stand him right now. Really, he's frustratingly blue-eyed about everything to do with Kevin, and he didn't even consult with friends about the moving-together thing. This guy wants so bad to be with somebody it's kind of sad.

I finally listened to the I4H Whiplash-inspired episode and once I heard it past the first 5 mins, it really clicked with me, and I've relistened to it once or twice since. Love it.

Never thought I'd see this show compared to Midnight, one of my favorite screwball comedies. Regardless, very much agree with the article.

" And The Good Wife hasn’t been fun in a minute."

A lot of awkward moments in this episode, but because it's this show, they're all poignant and real. The review nails it on how everything about Kevin and Patrick post-Jon feels off, but in very subtle ways.

I suppose I'm more Team Richie than Team Kevin (yuck) but how about Team Grow The Fuck Up Patrick Before You Get To Be With Anybody Half-Decent? It's not very catchy but it's my camp more than any other.

Man, been thinking a lot about capital letter Big Things this week and one conclusion I came to while watching is that I have to find a way to live in the same city as the Doris to my Dom (I'm not cool enough to be Doris, hence I'm the Dom). That kind of friendship is so precious, so important and I will try to keep

People seem wildly mistaken on the concept and the execution of this. First of all, the podcast is not "ha ha bad movie funny" podcast, it's not a MST3K ripoff, it's like this ludicrous and weird cerebral experiment where these guys live through an extremely bad idea and go through cycles of trying to elevate the

The best heels often are right, but they're still wrong, if that makes sense. That's why I hate it when Cole on modern commentary calls somebody's cheating "effective" because heels may be smart, that doesn't make cheating okay (in kayfabe). I really liked the Steph/Brie feud from this summer, I just wish it had got

Really interesting observation, which is largely true. The backstage gossip about pushes and burials simultaneously ruin stories and become the sole focus of fans who can no longer engage with the actual storytelling (who wins matches, who loses, who hates who) because the actual stories are confusing or just not that

I need to catch up with P&R, badly - haven't watched it all season, and I hear this season's been good. But I also need to catch up with Person of Interest (which I've also ignored all season). Dammit, there's just too much good TV out there.

I pray at my personal Dario Cueto shrine those rumors are unfounded. Don't you dare fuck this up for us, Russo, don't you dare.

Yay! This is happening! Boo that this isn't happening last year, when I think around this time I was actually somewhat psyched about Wrestlemania season. This was not a great Raw, and Sunday wasn't a terrific pay-per-view.

Like everybody else, been feeling down/sad/in utter disbelief by the passing of Harris Wittels ever since I found out people weren't just making some incredibly morbid jokes on Twitter and he had actually died. The last sentence of that CBB review in this column certainly brought all those emotions back. Just so

We'll sell for her, don't worry.