
I am both excited for you and worried. It seems like the kind of great writing about narratives and characters that TV Club's reviews do in general such a good job of praising, deconstructing and discussing is more or less non-existent in much of WWE's current writing. Like Brandon Stroud wrote about some weeks back,

LaToya covering Raw? YES! YES! YES!

I wanna find his tumblr and follow it.

This was so hard to watch, whilst being perfectly hilarious. Patrick's a mess. I know we're all flawed with our ups and downs but holy shit, this guy's a mess.

Well, for Berlin I read a bunch of mediocre travel guides from travel book companies, the only travelogue/travel books of interest was Wladimir Kaminer's works. I don't know how many of them are translated in English but they were mostly these little wry chapters, observations on his life in Germany and Berlin in

I finally bought sriracha to have in the fridge, not just to eat when I have pho at a restaurant. I've been eating it with every warm meal, and I don't foresee a change coming anytime soon. For example, cabbage is boring and I only bought it because it's cheap, but cabbage dishes spiced up with sriracha I could see

I didn't expect this neat an answer, so thank you so much. Much appreciated.

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. Non-fiction about the way our minds process things, sometimes working hard and straining, other times quite lazy and happy to just conclude whatever we already know. It's a difficult concept to explain but it's a fascinating read, and very readable, too.

I've read/heard that wrestling writing will spike up visitor numbers for different sites. It could just be wrestling fans putting themselves over like "we're so important and vital" but on the other hand, there could be truth to it.

I used to watch The Mentalist with my mom, we'd marathon it whenever I visited home so I was hooked on the show for maybe 1-3 seasons. I can't remember how or when it fell off the wagon, maybe I just got bored of so many shows having gruesome murders while keeping an overall light tone, combined with a

It very well could be. The French rap scene in just France has some pretty good artists, I listened to a lot of Black M, The Shin Sekaï and Maitre Gims over the summer and loved them without understanding a word.

I still get "Don't Mug Yourself" stuck in my head every now and then. I don't even know why, though, it's not even the best song on that record.

It was a joke, like they basically had a very vague conversation about it for less than a minute, then admitted they hadn't seen it but were expecting all the things they said (main event was great, so-and-so shone in the women's match etc). And they honestly weren't wrong, so the joke worked.

Thank you for the vagueness, I've seen it by now though. Yeah, that was the only real difference. When I listened to it after having watched the whole thing, and Rosenberg mentioned who he liked best in the women's match, I was sure they'd seen it.

Wrestling podcast moment of the week #1: Rosenberg & Shoemaker accurately reviewing NXT:Rival without actually seeing it, so accurately I turned it off because I was afraid they'd spoil the matches for me.

"Trickster vibe" is perfect re:Eddie. I like him a lot, but you're right, he's gotta come down a bit. I don't know if I liked him playing with Agustin, though maybe Agustin deserves a bit of that, but it kicked up my second hand embarrassment too much.

I don't know why but I'd rather have a glance at Dom than John and Kevin at the office. That's when I noticed the lack of a Dom storyline in this episode.

I want everything good for Richie. Patrick doesn't deserve Richie right now, and would probably have to do 100 years of good deeds to deserve Richie again. But I have hope Patrick can evolve, grow up and not fuck up again, and then maybe, just maybe, I don't know. I have a lot of feelings about Richie.

Fuck, what a ride this show is, it can be so gripping when it wants to be. Those scenes in the ice cream truck, they almost felt too real, because there was this precious balancing act between honesty (because Patrick's apology is a reveal of what an asshole he was to Richie, and it's just vaguely gift-wrapped in an