
What! A new UTU2TM ep and my iTunes didn't download it automatically? …it's like the opposite of Songs of Innocence.

I miss the ever-green days of Hackenschmidt and Gotch. That 1916 Chicago match up, golly..

Belt needs to go from Charlotte to Sasha to Bayley. Makes Bayley's eventual victory all the more satisfying.

I almost didn't want to give them the publicity of an anti-recommendation but I felt compelled to mention it. Consider it a warning, I suppose.

I relate too much to Patrick to fully despise him. But every episode I'm like "what are you doing, why are you doing this, what … goddammit".

I caught all these little signs of Kevin being an absolutely manipulative bastard, even if it was very subtle. I think I prefer it that way, but I definitely see your point.

Shoemaker and Rosenberg are both relatively buddy-buddy with WWE, I think. If you want to hear more folks who would love to work for WWE and make it known at every single turn by playing nice or being ridiculously kiss-ass, give the Nerdist's Wrestling Compadres podcast a try.

Love Stroud's writing, his post-Royal Rumble stuff was so cathartic to read. I also like Shoemaker's writing most of the time. With that said, it's not like Shoemaker doesn't make all sorts of weird errors, things that even I, a relatively new enthusiast, spot.

Fuck 2015, I will start living in the Year of Penny again.

Yeah. I wish I could copy Alicia from TGW and Joan from Elementary but I can barely afford one or two of their full outfits.

It would've been very easy and rather predictable to have Jeremy and Abbi's thing wrecked by Bevers' presence somehow, but glad that didn't happen.

I loved Sandow's take on "less is more" on eliciting crowd reactions. I love elaborate moves, high impact moves etc but if you can pop the crowd by doing something simple that doesn't hurt one bit, then that's really all you need.

They could have tabled that argument for a later time and just had non-pegging sex in the moment, but alas, it was not to be.

"Bitch, you know." That line encapsulated the kind of no-nonsense friendships I've been lucky enough to have a few of during my life. Perfect, loved it.

It's weird, I have the same issue and I honestly can't understand why. I struggle to finish the most recent ep after a friend praised the first three to high heavens. I can't put my finger on why I can't get through it, though.

Bauer's not really a wrestling journalist, he just used to be a WWE Creative member and still has friends in the company and in the world of wrestling. Him and Keller had good points about the Rumble though, it was cathartic to listen to after just being annoyed after the event.

Not a lot of British representation in here, sadly. At one point I tried to plug here in the comments Friday Night Comedy Podcast, or rather, just the News Quiz. Still my favourite panel show, including all the ones on TV. But I suppose it's a hard sell. "Subscribe to this podcast so thrice a year you will get about 9

I think that's just how and who she was, and some people love that sort of straight-forward person. I was pretty judgmental during the pod, though it made me chuckle a ton, and I am glad to say once again the judge was a lot less judgmental than me.

It's got its quirks, like the narrator and the strong religious themes that get very silly in the later seasons, and just downright weird at points, but it remains one of my favorite shows and dramas of all time. It is a bit dated but I've never minded dated that much, and the cast is so solid I can still rewatch it

Damn, I posted the exact same comment below you; fell off during S2 for reasons unknown, plan to catch up. I recommended it to a friend but I'm not sure she got it, which is fair, because I didn't get the show myself until I'd finished the first episode.